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[dehai-news] (presstv) Kenyan fighter jets kill 10, injure 25 others in south Somalia

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 10:58:45 +0000

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Kenyan fighter jets kill 10, injure 25 others in south Somalia
A Kenyan fighter jet (file photo)

Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:37AM GMT

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At least 10 people have been killed and 25 others, including woman and children, injured in an airstrike by Kenyan fighter jets on a southern Somali town near Kenya border, Press TV reports.

Residents told Press TV that the fighter jets hit three al-Shabab bases on the outskirts of Fafadun town late on Friday.

“Aerial attacks hit three al-Shabab military training camps last night, over 10 al-Shabab fighters were killed and 25 others, including women and children, were admitted in the Bardhere's hospitals,” said Mohamed Farah, a resident in Bardera city.

Somalia military officials in the region confirmed the attack.

Airstrikes targeting areas under the control of al-Shabab in southern Somalia has become common, causing civilian casualties.

Kenya has beefed up security along its border with Somalia since it dispatched soldiers over its border into the conflict-plagued country last October to chase al-Shabab militants.

Meanwhile, a large number of Ethiopian military forces have been deployed into the central Somali town of Guriel in the Galgadud region, 300 km north of the capital, Mogadishu.

According to government-allied forces, Ahlu Sunna, the Ethiopian soldiers along with 45 military vehicles crossed the border late on Friday to back up the Ahlu Sunna militia who fight against al-Shabab.

“The troops have taken positions in and around the town, which strategically lies around the main road that connects to entire Hiran and lower Shabelle regions,” said Isse Noor, the Ahlu Sunna commander in Guriel.

He added that several al-Shabab fighters left the neighboring towns after receiving threats.

Al-Shabab and Ahlu Sunna have been previously engaged in deadly power struggle over the towns of Dhusamareb, Guriel and Abudwaq in the central Somali regions.

On Tuesday, more than 44 people, mainly fighters were killed and scores of others injured after Ahlu Sunna re-seized control of Dhusamareb town.

Somalia has been without a functioning government since 1991 and the scene of decades-long incessant civil strife ever since warlords overthrew former junta ruler Mohamed Siad Barre.


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Received on Sat Mar 24 2012 - 10:29:02 EDT
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