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[dehai-news] Shabait.com: Last week's so-called attack basically US Administration's plan emanating from frustration: President Isaias

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 18:50:41 +0200

Last week's so-called attack basically US Administration's plan emanating
from frustration: President Isaias


Asmara 26 March 2012 - President Isaias Afwerki underscored that last week's
so-called attack is basically the US Administration's plan emanating from
frustration. The President made the remarks during an interview he conducted
tonight with the national media.

The President pointed out that the so-called attack carried out by the
subservient TPLF regime on 15 March on sovereign Eritrean territory was
essentially the handiwork of Washington emanating from not only its failed
agendas and frustrated psychology but also one based on wrong calculations
amply witnessed over the past couple of years.

Elaborating on the developments and related issues, he indicated that the
scenario involves a lot of details and is one segment of a bigger picture.
President Isaias further underlined that there existed restlessness on the
part of anti-Eritrea quarters that perpetrated campaigns over the past years
in the military, economic, propaganda and diplomatic domains, all of which
ended up in utter failure. In the face of such heightened anxiety following
Eritrea's bright economic prospects, the President elaborated that last
week's incident is but a result of attempts to hamper the nation's promising
economic prospects and all-round development.

Noting that the Government of Eritrea is not willing to engage in
meaningless exercise masterminded by enemy quarters designed to derail the
nation from its independent path, President Isaias nonetheless emphasized
that numerous acts of hostility were carried out against our country. He
further explained that the big media corporations funded by the CIA were
employed to disseminate and fan up last week's incident. Moreover, he
underlined that they were assigned to do so on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the final and binding Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission's
ruling on border delimitation with a view to diverting the attention of the
world public.

In response to a question regarding 'peace negotiation' is underway in
Germany between Eritrea and Ethiopia under the mediation of Qatar and Israel
that has received wide coverage by different media outlets, President Isaias
underscored that no such thing ever took place, nor is it taking place now
and will it ever take place in the future. He also indicated that such
assumptions are a continuation of acts of conspiracy. Furthermore, he
stressed that such hearsay being circulated by different media outlets, is a
mere public relations gimmick aimed at derailing the implementation of the
Border Commission's final and binding ruling.

President Isaias also explained that conspiracies weaved to undermine
Eritrea's development programs and their implementation have been foiled as
ever by the Eritrean people inside the country and abroad. He further
called for the reinforcement of the staunch national resistance that created
and continues to create miracles.



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Received on Mon Mar 26 2012 - 13:24:58 EDT
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