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[dehai-news] New York Times engaged in lies

From: ERI USA <eritreanamerican_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 07:19:30 -0400

Dear Dehai,

     As an Eritrean-American I have been responding back to posts written
by some biased western journalists who like to defame the people of Eritrea
and in a recent opinion article written by a Frank Jacobs character titled
"War Over a one horse town" on March 27th, 2012, he makes a mockery of the
history of Eritrea by using outdated and manipulated facts to write an
opinion on the New York times. After opening an account and writing back to
him with fact and important historical points using authentic Eritrean
sources, my response was on the response column for a few minutes and was
removed. It was not derogatory nor rude but spoke to the writer directly
that Eritrea had a history that dates way back to 2 million years as quoted
from a major information data source*"**The earliest hominoid remains in
Eritrea date from two million years ago, placing the land near the dawn of
humankind on the planet." *I urge all of you Dehaiers and peace loving
Eritreans and friends of Eritrea to challenge such personal opinions that
don't paint the exact picture of Eritrea by writing back to the following
link of the New York Times where this garbage article written by a so
called historian who probably never set foot in the country he is talking
about. The link is


It was written as an "Opinionator" exclusively for the New York Times to
deceive the public about the history and culture of Eritrea as well as
continue the lies that Eritrea supports the Al-Shabab in Somalia which is
far from the truth.

Thank you and I hope to contribute more to your great website in the future.

Eritrean American.

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Received on Wed Mar 28 2012 - 11:28:39 EDT
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