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[dehai-news] Some of the Miracles about Eritrea

From: Metkel Asmerom <tewasmeh_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 22:44:03 +0200

Hi Deri Erena ! In our modern world, media systems are taken as a war machines. It is therefore very important that we don't neglect to write and presentall positive documents that reflect the development vision of our country, while others are relentlessly trying to tarnish it. I am now sending a dicument about Eritreas policy and success of self reliance. I hope you will be able to publish it in your favorite website. With best regards! Metkel Asmerom

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Received on Wed Mar 28 2012 - 18:56:34 EDT
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