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[dehai-news] Finding the truth

From: <gennet11_at_msn.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 19:49:17 -0400

“Even a blade grass will resist a wind” enough is enough let us fight
back with our on investigation

My fellow Eritreans we have been doomed by the world body. They, the
united nation and united state of America, Britain knew all alone
Eritrea could not be friend with the afar separation group. Let us
accept we are alone, again to fight for our beloved land, it will not
be a surprise for all Eritrean pro/con Eritrean government. Let us
not be fooled, let us fold-up our shirt march to the truth.

In 1993 after Eritrea independent and the Ethiopian the now ruling
part took over, there was a surprised for the young ruling party,
“woian” or EPRDF a new coalition started for cessation all afar from
Ethiopia. Three Afar group joined to form a coalition ARDUU founded
1991, AUDF and ARF and elected a secretary one of the founders
Mohamoode Gass he refused and his deputy Muhyaden Mafatah elected.
They waged a war against the Ethiopian government.1995 they kidnapped
Italian tourists. The Ethiopian government with the help the almighty
Eritrean forces both government-coordinated wars against the
coalition, ARDUF

1996 Muhyaden Mafatah extradited from Djibouti to Ethiopia still in
jail with two other Afar leaders.

October 1997, reconciled with Ethiopia at the creation of Afar

Mohamood Gass made statement declaring unilateral cease-fire with the
government of Ethiopian force, on JAN 5, 1998 after the beginning war
1998-2000 Ethio-Eritrea war.

The war was convenient for Ethiopia since they could not fight two
fronts and since the Eritrea fight was, preplanned Melles made a good
effort to be friend with the same criminal he was chasing, no
surprise for those of us whom we knew he is a coward.

Eritrea attacked Alitenia inhabited mainly by Irob people (ethnicity
closely related linguistically to Afar). ARDUF reconciled with the
government of Ethiopia condemned Eritrea. Siding with Ethiopia fought
against Eritrea.
2003 ARDUF became a member to newly formed UEDF coalition in
opposition to the Ethiopian ruling party, Melles and his cronies.

Soon after 20, September 2003 warning given against foreign entering
northern afar region for purpose of demarcating the eastern part of
ethio-Eritrea boarder. They declare war against Eritrea

"Our twin enemies, Sha'biyyah (Isayas Afewerki's) and weyane (Meles
Zenawi's), have been, under the auspices of the United Nations,
carrying out illegal acts of brigandage against our people. Let the
whole world know that ARDUF is reiterating its firm stand as it did
in 1990, 1991, 1993 and 2000 that it is not only opposed to the
illegal act of dividing our Afar people and demarcating our soil
under the guise of "border demarcation" between Ethiopia and Eritrea,
but also ready to render any demarcation exercise ineffective."[8]

To this day ARDUF do not recognized Eritrea as a sovereign country.

So how is that Eritrea being blamed with all the ills all this I
found by google, reading the united nation report? How Eritrea could
harbors this criminals whom they wish to eradicate us from the mop of
the world.

Now let us find the tourist whom we were labeled as coop with these
morons. Do journalistic truth finding let us fight back with the
truth at hand.

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Received on Thu Mar 29 2012 - 19:53:31 EDT
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