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[dehai-news] Press Release: Dallas/Fort Worth hosts successful Hizbawi Mekete

From: YPFDJ DALLAS <ypfdjdallas_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 21:00:44 -0500

There is no greater strength than our unity. True to "Hade Hizbi, Hade
Libi", Dallas and Fort Worth Eritreas came out in mass for Sunday's Mekete
from midday until well beyond sundown. The day was a great success as
Eritreans, young and old, arrived with concern for their country and left
armed with knowledge and ready to petition and demonstrate on behalf of our
beloved country.

The Mekete began with a moment of silence followed by an opening statement
welcoming guest speaker, Dr. Tesfay Aradom. Everyone was immensely
impressed with Dr. Tesfay’s, whose presentation enthralled and educated
those in attendance. The Mekete ran into overtime as a spirited question
and answer session followed concluding that the security of our nation
comes first and foremost. With this understanding, a letter and petition to
President Barack Obama was read and signed There truly is no unity like the
Eritrean one!

Eritreans in Dallas/Fort Worth continue to realize the significance of
their role in ensuring these actions against their homeland do not hurt the
people of Eritrea, and they plan to do that by making their voices heard
right here in their local area!
*Click Below For PICTURES*
Wetru Awet Nhafash
Zelalemawi ZKri nsewuat !!!
For information on past events and future programs, please visit:
WWW.YPFDJDALLAS.COM <http://www.ypfdjdallas.com/> /
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Received on Fri Mar 30 2012 - 17:22:24 EDT
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