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[dehai-news] (Mareeg.com): Ethiopian trucks reportedly destroyed near El-Bur town, central Somali

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 22:01:14 +0200

Ethiopian trucks reportedly destroyed near El-Bur town, central Somali



EL-BUR (Mareeg.com) - A big explosion is reportedly took place between the
towns of El-Bur and Dhusamareb in central Somalia where is largely
controlled by pro-government Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a ASWJ fighters supported by
Ethiopian forces, residents said.

The explosion was caused by a land mine targeting Ethiopian military convoys
from El-Bur town and heading to Dhusmareb. Eyewitnesses confirmed the
incident to Local Somali Media station in Mogadishu by phone.

The explosion took place at around 9 p.m. [local time] on Saturday night and
one of the Ethiopian military trucks was hit, as confirmed by an eyewitness.

There were damages on the Ethiopian forces in the blast, but it is not known
yet. It is also not known if civilians were affected. After the explosion,
Ethiopian forces cordoned the scene and made large operations to secure the
area as they were evacuating their victimized ones.

On March 20, 2012, Al Shabaab raided the city at dawn, briefly captured it
then fled after intense fighting with Ahlusunna Waljamaa (ASWJ) fighters
that left 30 people dead


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Received on Sun Apr 01 2012 - 17:31:53 EDT
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