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[dehai-news] Greater Boston Mekete: Announcement

From: Had Dawit <Had.Dawit_at_alkermes.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 13:55:28 -0400

Greater Boston Mekete: A call from the motherland, ERITREA
As you all know, the UNSC has sanctioned Eritrea multiple times based on charges which is not substantiated with facts. Much to our surprise, Ethiopia claimed in the open that it has launched multiple military attacks on Eritrea. Everybody knows that the very basic function of the UNSC is to preclude military attack of one country by another. Regardless, the UNSC did not utter a single word admonishing the aggressor country, Ethiopia, from entertaining military adventurism. An appeal by the Eritrean government to the Security Council has fallen on deaf ears so far.
April 13, 2012 marks the 10th year anniversary of the Eritrean and Ethiopian Boundary Commission's decision. On this historic day, all Eritreans around the globe will voice their full support to their government and motherland and ask the world body to shoulder its responsibility so that:

1. The final and binding border decision will be implemented.

2. For the unconditional withdrawal of the Ethiopian Army from Sovereign Eritrean territory.

3. The unjust sanction imposed on Eritrea will be revoked.

The greater Boston Mekete Team is asking all Eritreans to stand against the naked invasion of Eritrea's hard owned INDEPENDENCE by some Super Powers and their subordinates. We have initiated a petition that needs to be signed by every Eritrean including friends of Eritrea who resides in the Greater Boston area. The signed petition will be addressed to designated US Senators and Representatives from Massachusetts. The forms will be available for you to sign as of tomorrow, the 5th of April 2012 at the Eritrean Community and Development Center, which is located at 357 Washington Street, Somerville, MA. We urge every Eritrean to take this matter seriously. After all, there is a tendency for the eye to cry if you hit the nose. Simply put, WE CARE FOR ERITREA DEARLY.

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