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[dehai-news] Enough is Enough!. it is high time the SC annulled and repealed the unjust and illegal sanctions imposed against Eritrea

From: Eritrean Ngermany <eritrean.ngermany_at_googlemail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 02:20:09 +0200

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The UN Security Council on last December (5.Dec.2011) beats its own record
of gross injustice against the Eritrean people who have been victimized for
more than 70 years by actions taken by this world body in the interest of
an aggressive, expansionist neighbour: ****Ethiopia****. The Eritrean
community in ****Germany**** strongly deplores this latest Security
Council action against the Eritrean people because it is both unjust and
extremely reckless.****

These sanctions are also a manifestation of ****Washington****’s one-sided
and unfair policy for the region; parading IGAD members that accused ****
Eritrea**** soon after the resolution was approved also exposes the
unevenness and recklessness of this policy. Furthermore, this resolution,
as the ones before it, is not likely to bring peace to ****Somalia**** or
the rest of the region; in fact, it is bound to exacerbate the already
tense relationship between the nations, leading to more conflicts in this
war-ravaged region. The Eritrean community in ****Germany**** urges all
peace loving peoples and nations of the world to denounce the UN action and
fight to reverse these unjust and extremely reckless resolutions,
1907(2009) and 2023 (2011). The peoples of the Horn of Africa deserve
better from the United Nations and the international community.****

The Eritrean people are questioning the Security Council’s 12 year long
impotence and inability to enforce its own decisions and resolutions on
the Eritrea-Ethiopia issue, its reluctance to enforce international law and
the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission’s (EEBC) final and binding
delimitation and demarcation decisions, but made a hasty decision without
due deliberations and investigations by imposing sanctions on Eritrea on
the situation in Somalia and on the border tensions between Eritrea and
Djibouti, a country with a large American military base. ****

Concerning 2% Diaspora tax, the allegations that ****Eritrea**** uses
extortions, threats of violation fraud and other illicit means to collect
taxes outside ****Eritrea**** are unfounded and outrageous to say the
least. Since none of our community representatives have been inquired
concerning the 2% tax one can’t refrain from asking where the allegations
originate. For the **info**rmation to the monitoring group or anyone
concerned we would like to declare that we, Diaspora Eritreans contribute
-with joy and pride- to the rebuilding process and improvement of living
conditions in Eritrea by paying a 2% symbolic tax. The joy comes from the
fact that, the diligent work of the Eritrean people and the devotion of the
Eritrean government to effectively use the petty 2% tax to contribute to
food security, ensure equal education opportunity, reduce child morality,
improve maternal health, combat HIV, malaria polio and ensure environmental
sustainability successfully. And the pride comes from the fact that the
government of Eritrea and the Eritrean people in or out side of Eritrea are
engaged in perfect harmony in rebuilding their country. It is however,
heartbreaking to see UN Security Council accusing Eritrea of using the 2%
tax to supply the armed groups in Somalia. If the UN sincerely believes the
petty 2% Diaspora tax can finance all the above mentioned and have some
left to finance the Al Shabaab; again one can’t refrain from asking why all
the billions of dollars of US, EU and UN aid to Ethiopia has hardly been
enough to at least feed the starving (according to various UN bodies)
people Ethiopia. We find it shameful for UN Security Council, a country
that build its welfare system by tax money trying to deny a developing
country, Eritrea, the possibility to built welfare system for its

Finally we can never excuse, the silence of the UN Security Council and the
US State Department to ****Ethiopia****’s recent loud and boisterous
announcements of violations against ****Eritrea****’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity. Unfortunately, it has been ignored by the Security
Council and the rest of the world.****

Enough is Enough !. it is high time the Security Council annulled and
repealed the unjust and illegal sanctions imposed against the State of

Therefore let’s join the Peace March on 27.04.2012 in ****Berlin****. ****

the Eritrean Community in ****Germany**** ****

Unity is Strength - We Stand United for our beloved ****Mother Land** **
Eritrea**** ****

The rule of law must prevail over the law of the jungle!****

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UNSC-Resolution on Eritrea - in BERLIN 27.April 2012 8:00 AM*



*Flash back - World Wide Demo in Genva 22 Feb *

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Received on Mon Apr 09 2012 - 22:30:06 EDT
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