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[dehai-news] Part II Finding the Truth - Even a blade grass will resist a wind

From: <gennet11_at_msn.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 22:20:44 -0400

Even a blade grass will resist a wind
Part II Finding the Truth

Why am I using this analogy, blade of grass? You see animal kingdom
can resist when attribute to its survival. Hyena eats a man before a
man kills him, a child start crying when his surrounding changes in
order to defend his/her right. The word grass root seems fundamental
analogy of Eritrea continued to exist as sovereign country. when
thunder of tornado roar its wings, the wind blows hard destroying
buildings, trucks ,heavy equipment, floods of water, human and
belonging scattered all over only one thing stand tall when all
cleared out , the blade of grass. Nothing will uproot the grass
unless man made grass covered with artificial existence. So let us
stay tuned and focus in one thing "sovereignty of Eritrea as a
nation". One village at a time let us shin with our investigation no
body will do for us it is our sovereign right; this is us as a nation
to stand tall.

Let the politician do like any politician, persuade to his/her side
in given ideology. Most of them exist by dividing the country or
subject to look good. Be like a cat on a hot tin roof we Eritrean
seem to look the other way as if by osmosis thing will happen
trickle, trickled through the membrane and filter out eventually.
Those days are gone, dancing in a group not the solution using our PC
exposing the lies on our beloved Eritrea the camouflaged of word of
wars hanging every day.

Let us analyzed the national geography edition, October 2005 "Africas
DANAKIL DESERT" by Virginia Morell when you are reading the article
one will realized the danger of this journey. On the way to Erta Ale,
their mission to see live volcano and lave, bribe, pay more money and
add another partner of crime on the way. It was a tense voyage so
what change from the voyage of January 17, 2012. In that, particular
time something unusual happened that caught my eyes reading. It was
at the end of their vogue almost there some thing happened and I will
  "Four hours later, just after noon, we got under way again. The
route led slowly upward, taking us into the first tier of mountains,
but there was no respite from the sun. Its searing heat danced over
the rocks and up the canyon walls, and there was still no sign of the
other caravans. And then, in the late afternoon, we rounded a bend
and came face-to-face with the merchants bound for Lake Asele. There
wasn't a single line of camels and mules like ours. Instead they were
arrayed like a wall, with lines of animals three and four abreast. In
an instant we were engulfed in a brown sea of men and animals and
dust. For the rest of the day there was no end to the caravansit was
a migration of biblical proportions. "Where have they all come
from?" I asked Zelalem. Zelalem was the Ethiopian tour guide, Edris
is Afar tour guide
"I don't know. They're Tigrayans," he replied. Now the canyon
widened into a landscape of pointed hills and dry plateaus. The trail
split, and Edris led us away from the Lake Aselebound caravans, up a
sandy wash where there was at last some shade. An Afar man stood
alongside the canyon wall, and Edris went over to greet himto get, I
thought, the latest dagu. The man was not like the salt merchants,
sweaty and disheveled; his green plaid sarong and polo-style shirt
looked fresh. And unlike traditionally dressed Afar men, he had a
fully loaded hand-grenade belt strapped around his waist, instead of
the curved gille. He balanced a Kalashnikov on his shoulder and gave
Edris a welcoming smile. They stood close, laughing, kissing the
backs of their hands, and pressing their shoulders together. "He's
Ugugumo," Zelalem whispered. "The enemy?" I asked. "But Edris knows
him. They look like friends."
"Maybe Edris once fought with him," said Zelalem. "Maybe that's why
he knows the enemy's habits. Maybe sometimes Edris is also At times
the desert was full of shifting shapesthe dancing figures of mirages
on the salt flats, the dust devils that spun out of nowhere and
vanished into nothing. It did not come as a surprise that the Afar,
so much a part of their land, had learned the desert's tricks. Three
other men, armed like Edris's friend, came walking down the wash.
They nodded pleasantly at us and stopped to give Edris more hand
kisses. If these were the enemies Edris had wanted to protect us
from, they certainly didn't seem hostile or intent on causing us any
trouble. "But they might have," said Zelalem, who had gathered his
own dagu from the passing Tigrayan caravans. The Ugugumothese men
whom Edris was now embracinghad formed an armed blockade in the
canyon, right at this very point, for two days. They'd refused to let
any caravan pass until Ali Hassan shared some of the salt-tax
wealththe Afar's goldwith them. "They need money for bullets, guns,
and grenades," said Zelalem. "They want to fight the Eritreans."
Ugugumo." I took this news in silence Ali Hassan had given the
Ugugumo what they wanted, and they'd released the caravans. That
explained the masses of caravans we'd encountered. Would the Ugugumo
have harmed or robbed us if Ali Hassan hadn't negotiated with them? "

Let us take it as it is there are Tigrayan merchants, chief of staff
of the afar clown involved in willing dealing to fight Eritrea, how
Eritrea will be involved to this clowns. The Ethiopian government
knows this people do not like Eritrea and hence we are accused hiding
and abiding them in our territory is hogwash.

The next issue is that the Ethiopian government is sole
responsibility of tourism, they advertise; solicit so they should be
responsible, unless their own army wanted to still money from tourist
by kidnapping and sharing the wealth with the afar.
They paid 1200dollars each for the voyage and it is calculated in
Ethiopian tourist organization packaged that they will be safe and a
convoy of military soldiers accompanied them. At the boarder, you see
the woiane tag listening a radio transmission with his rifle at his
side. This is a highly watched area, helicopter roaming over the air
with the help of AFRICOM.
The second point is that the discovery groups blessed their heart
they are between their wish to unlock the science of volcano and the
truth. If they sided with the truth, they will be banded from
Ethiopia and never get a chance to go back and see their discovery of
volcanic activities. That is why they are silent; We Eritrean
pressing the truth and should fight to clear our name from hit list.
At the middle of searching and digging deep, I found the best clues
of all. I was reading tirelessly to find the truth her right in my
eye titled "Danakil Depression-other tour 2011" read below;

{In January 2012, the crater rim was the place where 5 tourists were
killed, 3 wounded and 4 kidnapped. Cuddly went back to Ethiopia in
March 2012 to visit Omo and talked to one of the guides operating in
the area. From his information, it was one of the tourists who
resented the hold up, and thereby starting the shoot out. The guide
told Cuddly that 10 out of 12 groups cancelled their trips.}

So out of 22 tourist in 2012 incident 12 canceled, 5 dies and 4 held
out of four 2 released. Berket Sium the moment the incident happened
he stated that Eritrea responsible, even before the body count, even
before whether or not the incident happened. Now we need to find the
return tourist
while having conference please start digging more information

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