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[dehai-news] (Malta Today) 25 persons from Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan left today under the US Refugee Resettlement Program (USRRP)

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 18:33:53 +0000

Wednesday 11 April 2012 -
More refugees depart for United States
25 beneficiaries of international protection depart for United States of America

25 persons from Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan all of whom are single adult men left today to start a new life in the United States, under the US Refugee Resettlement Program (USRRP).
On arrival, they will be assisted by NGOs in the U.S.A. to proceed to their final destinations in various states.
This latest departure brings the total of beneficiaries of international protection who were resettled to the United States from Malta since such resettlements started in 2007 to 896. To date, 28 migrants have been resettled from Malta to the U.S.A. during the month of April - 85 since the start of the year. More beneficiaries of international protection are expected to leave to the United States in the coming weeks.
 In all 1,507 refugees and beneficiaries of international protection have been relocated or resettled to various other developed countries since 2005.
 The persons who departed this morning were selected following a process involving the UNHCR (Malta office) as well as the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) at various stages. US Government officials also conducted interviews in Malta.


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Received on Wed Apr 11 2012 - 16:37:23 EDT
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