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Re: [dehai-news] (US State Department) G8 Ministers urge Eritrea and Ethiopia....

From: Adiam Berhane <adiam7_at_mac.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:13:18 -0400

I have a questions about this part of the statement:
"The Ministers expressed deep concern over the escalation of tension between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Ministers call on the parties to avoid any acts that would increase tensions, adhere to the general principles of international law, respect the commitments they made in the Algiers Agreement, and engage directly on the border impasse and other issues that prevent normalized relations and aggravate regional instability."

If one is to respect to the commitments made in the Algiers Agreement why would there be any need to engage directly on the border impasse? It was already agreed in Algiers, so what are we engaging about, because that issue was settled.Look at the UN's map.

The Ministers call on the parties to avoid any acts that would increase tensions. Avoid acts like attacking a country, entering sovereign Eritrean territory and do a press conference about it, those types of acts?

Adhere to the general principles of international law: What type of e general principles like not incurring on a nation's sovereignty and territory? Like adhering to a final and binding agreement they signed?They should check their signatures on the Algiers Accords.

I have said this a million times but I will have to repeat myself , we must leave the UN. This is a one-sided relationship. They are just not into us.

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Received on Fri Apr 13 2012 - 18:44:07 EDT
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