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[dehai-news] THE EEBC DECISION TEN YEARS LATER AND ETHIOPIA'S ILLEGAL OCCUPATION: Be it for the love of peace or the fear of war un impotently allowing illegal occupation

From: Eden Tareqe <fwd_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:51:07 -0400



By Eden Tareqe

Ten years after the announcement of the EEBC Decision Ethiopia is
still occupying sovereign Eritrea's territory. As if that is not
enough, Ethiopia continues provoking Eritrea while the UN is
impotently watching the illegal action. Despite all the hostility it
is pleasing to see that Eritrea has clearly stated that it has no
plan of being provoked in to a meaningless war.

Eritreans foreign ministry declared that Eritrea knows the cost of
war thus Eritrea has no intention of being dragged in to yet another
war that doesn't serve the interest of neither of the participants.

In such a rare occasion, where the world is witnessing a war provoked
country plainly choosing PEACE; One would expect the Noble Prize
Committee to be waving the Nobel prize and the United Nations
shouting; Finally! At last! At last! We reached our objective. One
would expect press release from the African Union encouraging Eritrea
on its endeavors to maintain peace in the area for taking a noble
stand. One would expect communities for peace rejoicing and welcoming
the stand that Eritrea has taken. One would expect the media to
curiously research for why Eritrea has chosen this principled stand
and asking questions whether other countries intend to follow the
footsteps of Eritrea and Stand for peace. One would expect letters
from individuals praising the government of Eritrea for taking a
Nobel, courageous and exemplary stand for peace. One would pray that
this stand is supported.

However unfortunately, when President Obama, was awarded the Noble
prize for Peace while managing several wars, the prize was stained
with blood. The United Nations which in fact is managed by
descendants of slave owners, Fascists, Nazis and Colonial powers,
which never had any intention in bringing peace is applauding the
aggressor. And just like the United Nations Security Council, the
African Union is probably waiting for guidelines form USA on how to
react. Most of the journalists in the mainstream media have become
nothing but vultures who survive by feeding on the corpse. They have
unfortunately blinded the general population through their
fabrications that it has become difficult even for communities that
stand for peace to find a pear in garbage bags that have continuously
been dumped by the media. The Eritrean government and the Eritrean
people have no one to rely on except for their strength and the
mighty God; fortunately neither has ever failed them.

On the other hand it is terrifying to see that when Ethiopia, a
neighboring country proudly announces with a touch of provocation
that it has trespassed the territorial integrity of a sovereign
member state, disregarding the UN convention; a phenomena that can be
compared to when a thief proudly announces to the police -in writing-
that he/she has trespassed the neighbor's house. The United Nations
has nothing to say. No press release from the African Union
condemning the reckless illegal act by Ethiopia. The media is
orchestrating and in fact complimenting this illegal action. The
European Union, yes the European Union! What happened?

Unfortunately this is what happens when grandchildren to former slave
owners, Fascists, Nazis and Colonial powers became advocates for
peace, advocates for human-rights, advocates for democracy, and
advocates for fairness.

With this letter I urge all peace loving countries, communities,
organizations and individuals to support Eritrea's Nobel stand for
peace and demand that he border issue between Ethiopia and Eritrea to
be resolved peacefully without delay.

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Received on Fri Apr 13 2012 - 18:52:35 EDT
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