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[dehai-news] THE EEBC DECISION TEN YEARS LATER AND ETHIOPIA'S ILLEGAL OCCUPATION: Occupation is an international crime.

From: Eritrean Ngermany <fwd_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 19:24:11 -0400

Occupation is an international crime.

By Eritrean Ngermany

According to Article 14 of the Algiers Agreements says:

"…The OAU [now the African Union] and the United Nations commit
themselves to guarantee the respect for this commitment of the two
Parties until the determination of the common border on the basis of
pertinent colonial treaties and applicable international law…This
guarantee shall be comprised of... measures to be taken by the
international community should one or both of the Parties violate
this commitment, including appropriate measures to be taken under
Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter by the UN Security Council..."

After 10 years of aggression and occupation, Eritreans around the
world are calling for Ethiopia's unconditional withdrawal from
sovereign Eritrean territories, including Badme. They are also
calling on the UN Security Council (UNSC) to shoulder its moral and
legal obligations by restoring Eritrea's sovereignty and territorial
integrity by enforcing the EEBC's final and binding decisions. The
UNSC must also annul and repeal the illegal, unfair and unjust US-
engineered sanctions resolutions (1907, 2023), imposed against
Eritrea and its people.

It is high time the Security Council annulled and repealed the unjust
and illegal sanctions imposed against the State of Eritrea.

Eritrean Ngermany


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Received on Fri Apr 13 2012 - 19:25:26 EDT
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