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[dehai-news] THE EEBC DECISION TEN YEARS LATER AND ETHIOPIA'S ILLEGAL OCCUPATION: After violating international law for ten years, Ethiopia announced military attack against Eritrea on 15 March, 2012

From: Andebrhan Haile <ahaile_at_rochester.rr.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 00:43:01 -0400

After violating international law for ten years, Ethiopia announced
military attack against Eritrea on 15 March, 2012

In continuation of Ethiopia attack against the people of Eritrea, the
regime in Ethiopia announced on 15 March 2012 its latest military
attack in sovereign Eritrean territories to without any reason. It
should be recalled that in 1997, the regime used similar pretexts
which it escalated into a full blown war of aggression and invasion
which cost the lives of thousands, the displacement of millions of
people and the destruction of infrastructures of properties worth
billions of dollars.
Eritrea and Ethiopia signed the Algiers Peace Agreements in December
2000 and in accordance with the Agreements, an independent Eritrea
Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) was established. The EEBC
delivered its final and binding delimitation and demarcation
decisions on 13 April 2002 and November 2007 respectively. Despite
the EEBCs ruling, Ethiopia continues to militarily occupy sovereign
Eritrean territories, including the village of Badme.
As an Eritrean American with an interest in peace, stability, and
security in the Horn of Africa in general and in Eritrea and Ethiopia
in particular, I am writing to you today to call on the UN, US State
Department and the White House to urge Ethiopia to abide
international law and agreements it has signed by unconditionally
withdrawing from sovereign Eritrean territories.
The US can also play a constructive role in the region by denying
Ethiopia the diplomatic, financial, military and political support
and shield it has being giving the regime in Ethiopia.
The US and the UN should also repeal the illegal, unfair and unjust
Security Council sanction resolutions 1907(2009) and 2023(2011)
imposed against the State of Eritrea and its people give peace a chance.

Andebrhan Haile

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Received on Sun Apr 15 2012 - 00:45:36 EDT
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