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[dehai-news] (Ayyaantuu.com) TPLF/EPRDF Defense Forces Brazenly Murdering Innocent People in Gambella in Broad Daylight

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 19:10:15 -0400


TPLF/EPRDF Defense Forces Brazenly Murdering Innocent People in Gambella in
Broad Daylight

Press Release | April 18, 2012

in Gambella, there is little to no accountability for TPLF/EPRDF Defense
Forces who are committing rising numbers of human rights crimes against the
people of the region. It used to be that murders, beatings and torture were
carried out secretly in the bush or in therural areas, but now there is no
security even in the middle of Gambella town for any but those carrying the
guns. As these criminal acts against the unarmed civilians in Gambella are
being so easily dismissed by authorities, it is increasingly clear they are
actually being condoned or promoted by higher ranking officers and
government officials—all the way up to Meles.

As of Saturday, April 7, 2012, Mr. Tedo Kul Oman, an eighteen-year-old 12th
grader from Gambella High School, was shot and killed by an Ethiopian
Defense troop, accompanied by six other soldiers. Reportedly, a business
owner from town had notified military authorities that this young Anuak boy
might be “a rebel from the bush” because he looked “suspicious.” According
to local sources, the reporter’s only evidence was his opinion that the boy
had “a bad attitude.”

In response, an attachment of seven soldiers went to a gathering where the
boy’s family and friends were holding a traditional Anuak babynaming
celebration. The TPLF/EPRDF Defense Forces called him away from the others
to question him, asking for his identification. He refused, saying he had
done nothing wrong, lived in Gambella and was in 12th grade at the local
high school. He turned and started to walk back to the party when one of
the soldiers shot him—execution style—in the back of the head and through
his back. The young man died there in front of everyone.

Perhaps he should have given them his ID, but as we have reported
previously, the anger and resentment over the land grabs and increasing
harassment, arrests, threats and intimidation of local civilians by the
TPLF/EPRDF troops runs high. This is especially true in the case of some of
these young men who are often the chief targets of the troops.

Following his death, defense forces along with the local police, arrested
his father Mr. Kul Oman, over fears he would retaliate when he heard of his
son’s murder. His father is the head of the police commission in the Dimma
district. What kind of country arrests the father of such a victim of
injustice? Only after he was in jail did they tell him about the death of
his son.

Mr. Tedo Kul Oman was going to graduate soon; but now, his hopes, dreams
and plans for his future were buried forever, along with his young body.
Instead of having the joy of celebrating his graduation; his family,
friends and community are now grieving for him.

– Full Press Release in

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