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[dehai-news] No Wonder Prime Minister Zenawi Ran Out of Lies

From: mhretab tedlla <tedllam_at_earthlink.net_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:44:58 -0700

No Wonder “Prime Minister’’ Zenawi Ran Out of Lies

Zenawi at this moment seems as though he is running out of lies. What a
shame a disgusting human being as himself could stand in front of his own
people and lie without a blink, over and over .

Let’s ask simple questions:

1. To begin with, Ethiopia told the world Eritrea will not able to
retaliate. Yet what was the mystery behind them failing to brag about their
accomplishment that happened in the East and West of Eritrea. Despite the
cliché between nations, Eritrea prefers not to talk about such subjects and
strives for peace.

2. Through Ethiopia’s foreign office, they told us there were no
confrontations on the west side. Now after a month Zenawi is telling his
parliament that they took proportional measures on the conflict between the
East and the West. Is he undermining the conscious of his parliament and
people or he just couldn’t find a better lie?

3. The initial explanation for intruding Eritrea was to attack Ethiopian
rebels. Now, however, after a month, Zenawi is saying Eritrea abducted a 100
miners on both sites. Why in the world would Eritrea do that? Aren’t the
people of Ethiopia abducted enough in the name of terrorism by this clique.

4. It seems the fashion to relieve his nightmares by accusing his own people
of acts of terrorism on his nation have long been outdated. That is why he
has fallen to cheap lies of “Eritrea abducting a 100 Ethiopian miners”.

5. Zenawi, in his latest announcement, said there is no possibility (at this
moment) of a war. What he doesn’t comprehend is that, not only does the
government of Eritrea but also we the citizens of Eritrea, told him, before,
that you have no moral ground or all the requirements needed for a
sustainable war to face the Eritrean people. Although, through all this, we
are not interested in war but in peace.



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