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[dehai-news] Demarcate Now! 10 years is long enough. Peace yes, War no.

From: michael seium <michael.seium_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 03:23:41 -0400

Demarcate Now! 10 years is long enough. Peace yes, War no.

     Ten years is a long time and many life transformation moments happen
in a period known to most of us as a “Decade”. A couple of examples since
that memorable day in 2002, yes I am talking about April 13, 2002, which
happened to be on a Saturday. The United States of America has gone through
almost two terms of President Bush and a new term about to finish soon for
President Obama. Presidents come and go but policies have remained the same
for the most part and the one thing that has set this great country or a
super power known as America from other developing super powers is it’s
very complicated foreign policy that has also failed the majority of the
American people and has also contributed to the suffering of many more

     Through the media and many other propaganda machines including the
option to buy real traitors to build and create dissent in weak nations,
the few folks working on a very outdated foreign policy may think they are
improving the USA’s relations with others. However, based on the basic
fundamentals of peace, humanity and respect for all nations, which is the
duty and responsibility bestowed upon by the finding fathers of this great
nation the vast majority of the American public has had it. While it is
understandable to protect interests, what should not be accepted as a
policy is taking sides with a criminal. This type of behavior has not been
well received by the majority of Americans. Protecting a genocidal, war
mongering, and law breaking, leaders such as Meles Zenawi is plain wrong.
The problem that will face the horn of Africa region will come in ten fold
if the RULE of LAW is not implemented between the law abiding nation of
Eritrea and the friend of the few powerful policy makers at the State dept.
The very historical nation of Ethiopia along with the iron fist of a mad
man who has attempted to wage another war recently, should not dictate the
policies of the horn region. Thanks to the selfless leaders and steadfast
people of Eritrea, however the war mongering will not materialize and
Eritrea will not be dragged into another despicable taunting by the
minority regime in Addis.

     The few folks entrenched in United States policy towards the horn to
destabilize Eritrea along with the diversionary tactic of a bloodthirsty
henchman at the helm should think twice before provoking Eritrea and it’s
stance towards peace in the region. Eritrea is not open for war and Eritrea
will not compromise its sovereignty but Eritrea will also defend it’s soil
with all its ability and strength as it has in the past. The best thing the
USA can do as a guarantor of the Algiers peace agreement along with others
is tell Ethiopia to leave sovereign Eritrean territories immediately and
remove without condition the illegal sanctions that have been put on
Eritrea based on a made up fiction. To show that arbitration is preferable
by all involved parties instead of war and illegal occupation of other’s
land. This should be among civilized people as superfluous as possible to
show that to refer disputes using an international system between two
neighboring nations is better than to refer them to any type of combat or
to provocation of war — to sum it up, the ways of civilization are
preferable to those of hate mongering. There is no doubt as to the
practicability of international arbitration.

     What seemed an idealistic dream a long time ago is now largely an
established practice; no longer an uncertain experiment, but an
acknowledged success.During this century not less than eighty controversies
between civilized Powers have been composed by arbitration. Every
international dispute settled by arbitration has stayed settled, while
during the same period some of the results of great wars have not stayed
settled, and others are unceasingly drawn in question, being subject to the
shifting preponderance of power. And such wars have cost rivers of blood,
countless treasure and immeasurable misery, while arbitration has cost
comparatively nothing.

     Thus history teaches the indisputable lesson that arbitration is not
only the most humane and economical method of setting international
differences, but also the most, if not the only, certain method to furnish
enduring results. The government of the United States prides itself on its
commitment to being fair and just throughout the world. In Africa and
especially in the horn of Africa region however, the United States is seen
as supporting only those who commit genocide or are brutal dictators such
as the leaders in Ethiopia who possess sufficient "influence" in
Washington, while ignoring the plight of countries like Eritrea who have
been nothing but a role model for the improvement and self sufficiency of
other developing nations. Events over the last ten years have tended to
confirm that assessment.

     So on this 10 year anniversary the people of Eritrea including the
backbone of Eritrea the majority diaspora, peace loving Ethiopians,
Somalians, Sudanese and even tiny Djibouti and the rest in the region would
like to see the rule of the jungle outlawed and the rule of law prevailing.
The United States of America has the power to change the attitude of a
person who has betrayed his own people and has been taking orders from
individuals lurking the world at G-20 summits and more. Meanwhile Eritrea
on Good Friday by GEEZ calendars April 13th, 2012 10 years after the ruling
has celebrated the Easter weekend thanking god/Allah that his strength and
prayers have shielded the nation from war and has given her wise leaders
who truly think for their people and the people of the region. Last but not
least Illegal sanctions must also be removed immediately and the border
demarcated today if any type of fruitful peace is to come to the horn of

Zelalemawi zikri n'swatna

Selam and awet Nhizbi Eritrea

Mike Seium.

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