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[dehai-news] Video - Call for Eritrean Demonstration in London UK Monday 30/04/2012

From: EritreaCompass.com <info_at_eritreacompass.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 21:31:58 -0000


Video Call for Eritrean Demonstration in London UK Monday 30/04/2012

To all Eritreans residing in the UK

For more info visit http://www.eritreacompass.com/

Dear fellow Eritreans, the Eritrean Public Campaign committee is holding a
peaceful public demonstration against the UNjust Sanction and the
continuation of Ethiopias 10 years illegal occupation of sovereign
Eritrean territories.

As a show of contempt for International law; Ethiopia in it's own
admission has recently attacked Eritrea twice. Perhaps it was its way of
celebrating the 10th anniversary of the border commission's ruling between
Eritrea and Ethiopia.

They are trying to put war on Eritrea and reverse our independence.

We therefore advise you to join the Eritrean Demonstration against illegal
occupation and Unjust Sanctions. Let's all bring our Eritrean Flag and
wave it high together and make our voice heard.

Monday 30th April 2012 10 am at Downing Street, nearest tube Westminster.
Please share/forward this video to friends and family!

Awet Ne-Hafash!

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Received on Wed Apr 25 2012 - 23:22:56 EDT
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