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[dehai-news] (Shabait) Ministerial Cabinet holds meeting at State House

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 17:38:54 +0000

Ministerial Cabinet holds meeting at State House
Asmara, 30 April 2012 – The Eritrea Cabinet of Ministers today held meeting at State House, during which it conducted extensive discussion regarding the progress made in the integrated national development programs for 2012 vis-à-vis the short, middle and long-term development plan mapped out. The deliberations also dealt with the task of ensuring supply of basic consumption items, advance preparations for this year’s rainy season, human resource development, including that of expanding employment and training opportunities for the youth, in addition to assessing political developments at the regional and global level.
The major topic of discussion dealt with the progress made in endeavors to achieve food security and reinforcing the food reserve strategy. After assessing the efforts exerted to develop viable infrastructure at substantial expenditure and raising productivity to this end, the Cabinet of Ministers critically reviewed the effectiveness of the various programs launched to upgrade agricultural infrastructure, and thereby attain the set goal. The meeting particularly made a thorough review of the effectiveness of the projects underway towards achieving the cherished goal.
Moreover, the meeting discussed the preparations being made for judicious utilization of the rainy season, along with the deployment of machineries and the like. It further exchanged views on future agricultural development plans. The meeting also conducted deliberations on ways and means of streamlining activities dealing with current and future supply of consumption items.
The Ministerial Cabinet further held extensive discussion on the short and long-term development programs mapped out by line ministries and regional Administrations, including the budget allocation for the second and third quarters on the basis of priority. It also assessed that major development programs have been implemented without incurring heavy debt, which proved to be advantageous to the country.
The meeting further noted that the country’s macro-economic stability continues to gain momentum, and called on the people and government institutions to reinforce efforts for the success of development programs in 2012.
Likewise, the Ministerial Cabinet extensively discussed the programs charted to nurture the culture of work and productivity of youths.
As regards regional and global political developments, the Cabinet of Ministers noted that the acts of interference on the part of external forces are the cause of various conflicts in the region. In this connection, it called on the people of the region as a whole to remain vigilant as regards combating external conspiracies in the Horn of Africa through fostering integrated development programs and partnership.
The Cabinet of Ministers concluded its day-long meeting adopting resolutions and guidelines pertaining to the implementation of development programs, as well as related issues.

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Received on Mon Apr 30 2012 - 14:18:54 EDT
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