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[dehai-news] (Youtube) Video Report,Eritreans from across the Eritrean community in the UK stage demonstration

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 15:42:07 +0000

Eritrean community in England stage demonstration have been angered by Ethiopian gov. to violate the rule of law and the demonstrators expressed the main reason of the crisis is Ethiopia rejection of the final and binding ruling by the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission, the Security Council fails to put forward any corrective measure against Ethiopia and demonstrator sexpressed, unlawful behavior of Ethiopia coming by followeng the negligent action by the United Nations Security Council against Eritrea, demonstrators, calling to the British government to pressure on Ethiopia.
Part One:-
Part Two:-

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Received on Wed May 02 2012 - 11:58:30 EDT
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