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[dehai-news] Happy Independence day gift to all organizers of May 24 independence day

From: Weledo webmaster <admin_at_weledo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 14:58:34 -0500 (CDT)

Attention all organizing shimagles of May 24 independence day celebrations
I am giving 'two author signed' special copies of my latest Tigrigna children's
book to each organaizing shimagle of independence day celebrations. You can
raffle (auction) this two special author signed copies with all the proceeds to
your community. The book is listed for $15.99 (USD) sold and shipped by amazon
books worldwide. I suppose you can make this as a starting price for
your auction price or decide whatever else you may do with it. I will pay all
shipping costs and hopefully your copy will reach you in time for your scheduled
independence day celebration. In order to ensure fast turnaround please write to
the following email asap. with the following info.
write to:admin_at_weledo.com [mailto:admin_at_weledo.com]
include recieving person's name
include recieving address (worldwide)
include the phone number/email for the organizing shimagle (for verification
Please it would take 5-10 days to get your copies of two Author Signed new
Tigrigna children's book from the time your info is recieved.
Happy Independence day for all
Abel Abraham 
Winnipeg Manitoba

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Received on Wed May 02 2012 - 19:10:40 EDT
Dehai Admin
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