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[dehai-news] Reflection of the London demonatration on 30th april 2012

From: samson tesfamichael <samson336_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 21:37:59 +0100

April 30th was a day all Eritreans from all walks to show the
mainstream Eritrean in Diaspora aren’t standing by while USA imposing
sanction on Eritrea at will purely due the personal hate mission by
the amateurish USA representative at the UN and the recent report by
CAAT that the UK supply of arms to rogue state called Ethiopia. As per
the leaflet we alongside my good friends arrive at the venue, on
arrival we were guided to the back end of already swollen
demonstrators chanting, Long Live Eritrea! we will never kneel down!,
we stand alongside our government!, Ethiopia leave Eritreans
territories! and so on. Following the recent hoax news about the
health of President Issais Afwerki, which seem to anger Eritreans in
Diaspora that had opposite effect to the creators of the hoax that
hoped it will ignite popular upraise, to contrary several infamous
opposition quasi-media; that are dubbed as weyane media to pretend
Eritrean, such as asenna(we are happy).com (commonly refer as
hasena(we are lying).com into serious question of their credibility
amongst their followers, thankfully most Eritreans regard this
non-sense let along to take them serious. But the involvement of
conventional west media outlets such as BBC and VOA made few Eritreans
to worry about their President. Overall every Eritrean much smarter to
any future hoaxes. The funnies part to hear in paltalk was that the
person that appeared on ERITV was not the president but some Eritrean
made dummy that looks like the president alternatively the interview
was pre-recorded or the pictures were taken from shots taken before
now edited to make them look factual. One cannot help but laugh at the
ignorance of the so called opposition leaders.
Going back to the Downing Street demo It was a typical Eritrean demo,
with less than 1% of policing required to escort pensioners’ demo, one
cannot help but pride for being Eritrean, so law abiding to the extent
the UK police force put trust so much on the local Stewards. You can
read everyone’s face the anger and frustration at the unjusticeness of
the UNSC to impose sanction on the victim nation.
“The deeper we looked into this case, the more we realized there was a
lack of justice - a travesty that has been committed” Troy Newman an
American anti-abortion and anti-contraception activist.
It appears Eritrea has to request from USA a manual on how to run a
country to be reprieved from the wrath of USA unhindered power at the
UNSC. Standing amongst the demonstors asking the UK primo, David
Cameron to be faire minded person, a though came to my mind, when the
leaders of Eritrea was designing on how to create a nation out of jaws
of the ever supported neighbour to the south, David Cameron was on his
nappies so and it the porn star-looking US representative at the UN.
How odd, years later those who happened to be born to someone, can
have impact on the lives of Eritreans that took on USSR and their
stooge nation and beat them, now these leadership regarded as some
Rockies that requires lessons on democracy.
As in Geneva the petitions were collecet in their thousands and handed
to the UK PM that seem to issue licences for the supply of weaponry to
Ethiopian rogue leaders to invade Eritrea, by their own words
incursion to Eritrea some 18km. Can a Nation on 21st century calling
itself as leading democratic nation do that, not to mention the usage
of this weaponry against demonstrating students in the streets Addis
Ababa or poor women and Children in the Ogden region of that country?
Does that mean the UK government have no knowledge of the crimes by
the Aid- Craved, self-styled servant leaders of weyane junta. A young
lady passer-by asked me and my friend to what was happening to
warranty a demonstration, we told her there is junta in Ethiopia that
redrew a map of its nation that include 25% of Eritrea into its
nation, that created a war costing hundreds of thousands of lives in
the 1998-2000 war, after all the catastrophe, it accepted to take the
matter to court; the court decided where the border lies, she chalked
and asked well what is the demo for then? She asked the junta decided
not to respect the court’s decision we told her, we also told her the
UN imposed a sanction to the abiding nation and the UK government is
giving weaponry to the refusing part, she couldn’t get her heard round
the idea. She commented at least the victim nation ( Eritrea) ought to
be allowed to defend itself, all she could say was I am sorry but that
is really tragedy she said and walked off. Indeed tragedy, as the
famous Eritrean singer said it “mis Qolaqal Zitetseiea agame, Kulu
Gizie nibaat”.
Tsinaatna Meketena as always, deki Erey!
Always wedihagher!

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Received on Wed May 02 2012 - 19:11:24 EDT
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