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[dehai-news] Shabait.com: Interview with Dr, Tewolde Gebremeskel , head of Malaria Control Program

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 13:09:11 +0200

eskel-head-of-malaria-control-program-> Interview with Dr, Tewolde
Gebremeskel , head of Malaria Control Program

Wednesday, 09 May 2012 03:28 | Written by Yishak Yared |

http://www.shabait.com/images/stories/pics/dr.tewolde.jpgEritrea is one of
the very few countries in Sub-Sahara to effectively control the prevalence
of malaria. The achievement has received acknowledgement by the UN World
Health Organization. Our colleagues from the News Room have conducted an
interview with Dr, Tewolde Gebremeskel, head of Malaria Control at the
Ministry of Health in connection with International Malaria Day. An excerpt
of the interview follows.

Q: Dr. Tewolde, I would like to thank you first and to begin my question,
what is the policy of the Ministry of Health regarding malaria?

The policy of the Ministry of Health towards malaria, especially from 1999
onwards, is that with the five years plan of implementation to reduce the
prevalence of malaria to the lowest possible. Malaria should not be a
problem in this country. The first five years program was from 2000-2004 and
that was to reduce malaria prevalence by 80%. From the day one of the
program we worked hard in cooperation with our partners. This was in the
first five years program. Currently we are working on the third five years
program. It has been 12 years since the launching of the program. We are now
not working to reduce the prevalence of the disease but to make it zero sum
prevalence of it. The guiding principle of the World Health Organization
(WHO) is also to eradicate malaria prevalence from the face of the world.
And Eritrea by the standard of the organization is in good track. It is our
conviction that it will not be long for malaria to become history in this

Q: How was the prevalence of malaria after independence? Could tell us stage
by stage?

In the first years of independence malaria prevalence in this country was in
its highest stage. It was one of main killer diseases. The number of health
facilities was also in their lowest number, they were almost non-existent.
The capacity of the Ministry of Health was also weak. But after we started
to document malaria incidents from 1995, there were 300,000-400,000 malaria
patients. Now the prevalence is between 20,000 and 30,000. Regarding the
death rate we could still only talk from the time we started documenting. In
1998, for example, around 500 people died from malaria and now not more that
10-12 people. In 2011, for example, the document reveals there were 12
people who died from malaria. With this difference in numbers one could see
how much malaria prevalence has been reduced in our country. We now could go
from working to reduce the prevalence to a higher stage. And that is to
completely eradicate malaria.

Q: What is the prevalence in terms of percentage currently?

The effort for reduction the prevalence was conducted in stages. To date we
could claim that the malaria prevalence has been reduced by 90% and the
death rate by 95%. The outcome is encouraging but still we are convinced
that we should work hard.

Q: Could you elaborate to us the activities conducted to reduce the
prevalence of malaria?

>From 1999 on wards we conducted concerted activities. Rigorous awareness
raising campaign was made in partnership with government and public
institutions and we were successful. People understood and
participated in the endeavors to combat malaria. People understood that the
first measure was making medical check-up and get medication. The other
thing is taking preventive measures like using impregnated mosquito nets,
and for that the Government distributed substantial number of the nets to
public. Currently one hardly finds a household with out an impregnated
mosquito net, especially in the areas known for its prevalence. The other
important aspect is to clean the environment and deny the malaria mosquito
the breading ground. The third alternative is to spray insecticide. We also
do follow-up and inspection activities. The spraying of insecticide is
conducted in two regions, Debub and Gash-Barka, where there is high
prevalence of malaria. These are our main strategies for controlling
malaria. And we say we were successful in all aspects.

Q: How the participation of the people in those activities?

The participation of the people is very satisfactory. They accept what the
medical personnel tell them and participate in every activity they are asked
to participate. They have belief on the medial personnel around them.

Q: Who are the vulnerable members of the society to malaria infection?

The vulnerable members of the society to malaria infections are pregnant
women, children, especially under 5 years of age, and people who travel a
lot to places where the prevalence of disease is high. And we are engaged in
advising them to take preventive measure like making regular medical
check-up and using impregnated mosquito nets where ever they are.

Q: What message do you have to convey to the society?

Our program is huge and we could say we have done a lot at national level.
The achievement we have already registered should be preserved. Our next
step would be to eradicate malaria prevalence 100%. To do that there is the
need of the cooperation of the society. And I urge them to continue what
they are doing so that we realize our intended goal.

Thank you very much!


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Received on Mon May 14 2012 - 11:10:14 EDT
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