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[dehai-news] URGENT - Independence Day Celebration Poster from our Comrades in Paris!!

From: Feven S-Beraki <febenb1_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 00:45:56 +0200

Merhaba Bitsots, We need your help, could you please publish on your websites the attached Independence Day Poster from our comrades in Paris? We are sorry for the short notice and we appreciate your collaboration and your comprehension, as usual, :-)) Awet N'Hafash!Ruhus Bea'l Natsenet Yighberelna! Feven - Geneva P.S. Could you please forward it to alenalki please, I lost their email adress ... Aman if you can help on that!


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(image/jpeg attachment: __________Independence_day.jpg)

Received on Wed May 16 2012 - 20:21:50 EDT
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