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[dehai-news] Eastafro.com: Video: President Isaias Afwerki's interview with ERI-TV (May 18, 2012)

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 00:37:56 +0200

Video: President Isaias Afwerki’s interview with ERI-TV (May 18, 2012)


May 18, 2012 /

The Eritrean people’s persistent resistance against enemy conspiracies
raison d’être of their victory, President Isaias underscores

rview-2.jpgAsmara, 18 May 2012 – President Isaias afwerki underlined that
the Eritrean people’s persistent resistance against open enemy conspiracies
since independence is the raison d’être of their victory.

The President made the salient remarks during an interview he conducted
today with the national media outlets in connection with the 21st
Anniversary of Independence Day. The interview mainly focused on the
nation’s development programs and economic progress vis-à-vis the challenges
and objective situation, as well as regional and international developments.
He further explained that anti-Eritrea quarters left no stone unturned with
a view to not only blocking but also impeding the Eritrean people’s forward
march. Despite this, however, the political, economic, military and security
enemy designs encountered have ended up in utter failure thanks to the
awareness and staunch resistance of the Eritrean people inside the country
and abroad, the President underlined.

As regards conspiracies targeting the youth, he pointed out that the
prevailing awareness of the Eritrean youths far exceeds the attempts weaved
to cripple and drain their overall potentials. President Isaias further
noted that the Eritrean youths need to demonstrate continued vigilance
against enemy quarters.

On the development drive in the Homeland, he explained that the leadership
has managed to clearly map out the cherished goals in terms of time, labor
and energy, besides realizing the need for demonstrating persistence and the
requisite resourcefulness based on self-reliance as regards internal
capacity which nonetheless needs to be reinforced, the President elaborated.

Furthermore, President Isaias gave extensive briefings regarding regional
and international issues in general and the objective situation in Somalia,
the issue of both Sudans, the Arab uprising and the Iran-US confrontation,
among others, in particular. (Shabait)



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Received on Sun May 20 2012 - 15:18:07 EDT
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