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[dehai-news] Eritrean Independence Day 2012 - Los Angeles

From: Eden Micael <eden_micael_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 03:45:26 -0700

            On the 19th of May the Los Angeles community in Inglewood, CA celebrated the 21st anniversary of Eritrea’s independence. It was held from 9pm to 2am in Inglewood, CA.

            The festivities started with a rendition of the Eritrean national anthem sung by little kids from the ages of 4 to 11, following a moment of silence, as the opening sequence to start off the night. This was followed by an opening dance led by the Eritrean mothers and the youth who were all dressed in traditional clothing. Performing music for the night were Teame, Girmay Ghede and Aron Tadesse.

            After a very brief layoff community member Anbessagger read a letter addressing the historical night and what an achievement it is celebrating 21 years of independence. After a brief intermission YPFDJ’s own Yohanna Sahle read a poem.

This was followed by the first traditional dance of the night performed by the LA youth, this one consisting of the Blen tribe and the next being of the Tigre tribe.

Following the two dances by the LA youth a ceremony was held to cut the cake.

After more dancing and everyone having a good time, the YPFDJ OCLA group performed one final performance that consisted of the Afar tribe. That being the final act.

The night ended with a dance with what seemed liked the whole audience occupying the dance floor capping off a successful night marking the 21st anniversary of Eritrea’s independence.


Samuel Afewerki


Public Relations


Pictures available here: https://picasaweb.google.com/111860960429021522917/May192012

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Received on Mon May 21 2012 - 10:32:27 EDT
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