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[dehai-news] Celebrating Eritrea's 21st Independence in the Wahsington, DC Area...

From: Haile Abraham <haileab99_at_msn.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 16:35:18 -0400

Selam Eritrean and Friends of Eritrea,
As a host of the largest Eritrean diaspora coomunity in North America, the Washington, DC area Eritrea-Americans are preparing to proudly celebrate a very important date in the history of our young nation. The date is May 24th. Just 21 years ago on this day, the heroes and heroines Eritrean freedom fighters proudly marched to the liberated streets of Asmara to mark the birth of our new nation and to ultimately end an era of continuous colonial subjugation against the Eritrean people. The land and the people of Eritrea were FINALLY liberated forever and that is why the 1991 May 24th freedom march of the Lions was greeted with such an exuberant jubilation by the local residents, who showered them with popcorns, flowers and other items of gratitude and blessing.
On this occasion, the Eritrean-American community in the Washington DC area has a huge celebration plan to commemorate this historic event and all Eritreans and friend of Eritrea are invited to join in the festivity. One of the main highlight of the 21st celebration is the peaceful public march planned for Friday May 24th from the White House to Capitol Hill to show a very strong Eritrean unity and also to plead with the US Administration to foster a friendly relationship with Eritrea. Many Eritreans form the Washington DC area as well as from the neighboring states are expected to join in the peaceful march as well as in Thursday's May 24th traditional coffee ceremony at ECCC and the Family Picnic on Saturday, May 26th at Ft. Hunt Rd. The Washington Conventions Center will host the grand finale that will present several youth talent shows and a musical extravaganza that will feature the legendary Beteket Mengisteab and also Tareqe Tesfahiwot among others.
So let's all reflect on our freedom that we gained 21 years ago and let's count our blessings and gratitude for the price we have paid to accomplish such a momentous accomplishment. Being a part of the festivity is such a gesture!
Awet nHafash!
Haile A.

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Received on Mon May 21 2012 - 18:58:44 EDT
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