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[dehai-news] Why Eritrea-Americans will march in a Peaeful Demonstartion in Wahington DC During Eritrea's Independence Day Celebration...

From: Haile Abraham <haileab99_at_msn.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 00:20:28 -0400

Selam all,
Ordinarily, the Eritrean-American community in the Washington DC metro area, one of the largest Eritrean-American community in North America, celebrates Eritrea's Independence Day during the Memorial Day weekend by hosting a "Family Picnic" on Saturday followed by a musical extravaganza on Sunday. This year however, the community is adding a peaceful demonstration on Friday, May 25th, to its program that is expected to bring several hundreds of Eritrea-American to march on Pennsylvania avenue from the White House to the Capitol Hill.
The community, by way of holding the march, will seek to send a message to the US lawmakers in the Washington, DC that their home of origin, Eritrea, is not what the news media or some certain sectors of the Obama Administration have been portraying it to be, and that a more friendlier path between the two Nations should be paved.
In the past two years, many Eritrean-Americans have been outraged by two consecutive unjust and unfair UN sanctions imposed on Eritrea, which were single-handedly pushed by the US Ambassador to the UN, Dr. Susan Rice. Even more outrageous, many Eritrean believe, is the continuous unfriendly posture towards Eritrea by the Obama Administration and thus many Eritrean-Americans want to see the US Administration engage Eritrea in more positive and constructive foreign policy.
So as many Eritreans-Americans will still celebrate this weekend their homeland's 21st anniversary of its Independence in the old-fashion way, they will also march the streets of Washington peacefully and will remain optimistic that a friendlier US policy will prevail not only in Eritrean but also in the entire Horn of Africa.
The era of CHANGE is imminent!!!
Awet nHafash!
Haile A.

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(image/jpeg attachment: DC_march_may_25-2012.jpg)

Received on Thu May 24 2012 - 13:16:32 EDT
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