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[dehai-news] Embassy to Japan has opened an online-photobook ERITREA-Dawn after a Long Night

From: Embassy of the State of Eritrea <publicrelations_at_eritreaembassy-japan.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 15:35:15 +0900

Dear Sir/Madam,

Happy 21st Independence Day!
For this special occasion to celebrate our Independence day, we have opened
an electronic-data photo book on the independence struggle. Please come and
share the historical steps for our independence.

Shortcut for those in a slow internet connection.

*This photo book was originally published by EPLF in 1989 and newly
converted into electronic data in 2011 by the embassy of the State of
Eritrea to Japan.

This is the record of the 30 years independence struggle and some of the
photos here may look shocking to the readers, hence this is a real page of
the long history we went through. Please understand that we chose not to
edit any original photos so that we can widely share this historical
testimony with those who love peace.

Best regards,
The Embassy of the State of Eritrea to Japan

*This email is sent to those who exchanged business cards with embassy
staffs. If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please
let us know by sending us e-mail at the address above.

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Received on Thu May 24 2012 - 13:18:13 EDT
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