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[dehai-news] Africaintelligence.com: Student unrest reaches Ethiopia

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 13:18:55 +0200

 <http://erigazette.org/?p=2923> Student unrest reaches Ethiopia

May 27, 2012

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After the recent troubles in Gondar and at
University> Bahr Dar University, it is now the turn of the students from
s%20University> Debre Markos University (in the Gojam region) to go on
strike. Their demands are the same as those of their counterparts: they
concern an improvement in their living and working conditions (food,
training etc). There were clashes on 20 May between striking students and
members of the army from the Bir Sheleko training camp, deployed by the
authorities to bring the Debre Markos campus into order. There were two
deaths and several wounded among the students, and several dozen others were
arrested. The following day, students demonstrated in the streets of Debre
Markos to demand that their imprisoned comrades are released. This time, the
army fired over the heads of the students to disperse them. Since then, the
town has returned to an uneasy calm.


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Received on Sat May 26 2012 - 15:29:50 EDT
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