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[dehai-news] (Community, Commentary) Eritrea on Her 21st

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 10:45:39 -0400

Eritrea on her 21st

By Seble Ephrem, London

May 24, 2012

What a brilliant season of celebrations! We are 21 years old now and
legally adults! “Birki WeXina”.

Eritreans sure know how to show their jubilation – a carnival of
festivities up and down the country, where young, elderly, men, women, and
children, able bodied and those with disabilities all danced, sang, and
cheered day and night. May 24th has gone down in history as the national
day of independence and of honour.

Those in the Diaspora and their friends celebrated too in every way they
could: huge parties, with poems, songs, jokes, drama, and children’s
events. Serious messages were also delivered to the powers that be
highlighting the unity of the people when it comes to the non violability
of their young State - a State which has been recovered from ashes through
decades and generations of personal sacrifice of almost every family of the
entire Eritrean population.

At 21 Eritrea has now graduated into adulthood. She has gone through
teething problems, adolescence and teenage tribulations, while trying to
tackle and unravel the many pitfalls, attractions, risks and peer pressure
that she had to face in the process of growing. She dealt with every
obstruction, calamity and abuse so bravely, with relentless effort that she
is now known for her steely strength of character coupled with her
customary social values of fairness, equality, and liberty. The foundation
and groundwork have been lain and underpinned. There is no going back from
now, except moving forward.

Pity those that missed out in the course of development of Eritrea. Like
an absent parent, those that chose to sit on the fence or watch and grumble
from afar or those that tried to stir the pot on every opportunity, and
some even sleeping with the enemy, can have no right to point fingers or
admonish or patronise anyone at this time. They had their chance to
contribute in the upbringing and cultivation of this brand new nation
whereby they could have earned her respect. Knowingly or otherwise they
have become the laughing stock of those whose self interests they had been
serving for all these years. Their belated understanding of their failure
is the reason for their current desperation and consternation. The boat
has sailed away without them on board.

Only three weeks ago these “absent parents” had hoped to re-enter Eritrea
on the misguided assumption that Eritrea was in need of their imagined
grandiose services. Those plans fell through, big time, and shamefully,
they had to unpack their bags, lick their gashing wounds and prepare for a
long, a very long wait. The President of Eritrea, Issayas Afeworki,
commemorated by walking from his Headquarters and all along the length of
Godena Harnet (Asmera) amid throngs of cheering crowds. Where on earth
does anyone enjoy this kind of safety and comfort among his own people? May
Eritrea continue to prosper year on year.

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Received on Mon May 28 2012 - 13:53:20 EDT
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