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[dehai-news] "Obama, where's the CHANGE?" an Eritrean-Amercian community chants in front of the White House

From: Haile Abraham <haileab99_at_msn.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 23:48:36 -0400

Hello All,

On Friday, May 25th, 2012, while the majority of Americans where gearing up for
the 3-day Memorial Day weekend, about three thousand Eritrean-Americans descended
in front of the White House and start chanting as loud as they can "Obama,
where is the CHANGE!" "Obama, where's the CHANGE!"

Even though it is hard to imagine that the United States President himself was
hearing these chants, I am sure his re-election campaign stuff must have
been puzzled by these bunch of dark-skinned group, who were demanding the
incumbent President where his most galvanizing slogans, "CHANGE,"
which catapulted him to the Oval Office, is. The Eritrean-American community in
the Washington, DC area, which overwhelmingly voted for the President in 2008,
has now come out to challenge President Obama that the previous US foreign
policy toward Eritrea under George Bush has not changed at all during President
Obama, and even many Eritreans are more worried that the US foreign policy toward
their homeland has gotten worse than before with the appointment of Dr. Susan
Rice as the US Ambassador to the UN. Dr. Susan Rice is known to have
single-handedly pushed and manifested two consecutive UNJUST UN sanctions on
Eritrea. So it is more than justifiable for the
Eritrean-American community to come out in front of the President’s door step
to ask him where the CHANGE he promised is. And as the Presidential campaign
is approaching, the Eritrean-American community is the first organization in
the United Sates to have openly raised the "CHANGE" issue, which
right now many Americans are still mumbling in private.

It needs to be noted that the Eritrean-American community may have raised a very important issue in
America's political history, even though their demand is confined to matters that
only pertain to a small African nation in the Horn of Africa, but somewhere
down the road, President Obama will have to face a louder music when a wider
voter audience asks "Obama, where is the CHANGE?" during his
re-election campaign. And whether OBAMA has delivered on his promise of CHANGE
or whether the voting audience feels the same, will determine the fate of his

And as to the Eritrean-American community in the United States, which has
overwhelmingly voted for Obama in 2008, this time will be reluctant to go
with the incumbent President. A small, perhaps insignificant number of potential
voters. But in a race that is expected to be very tight, every single vote
could make the difference.

Please check this You tube video to witness the demonstration at the White
House on Friday, May 25th, 2012.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvkOvEDz2hU&feature=youtu.be Haile A.


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Received on Tue May 29 2012 - 00:25:06 EDT
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