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[dehai-news] Tours: - Promoting Tourism in Eritrea

From: Tesfai Bahta <ykalo_at_tse.com.er_at_dehai.org>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 23:16:40 +0300



Tours to Desie Island and Zoba Barka


The North American Eritrean Community Association (NAECA), as its goal to
promote tourism in Eritrea, has scheduled two popular tours. All who wish
to join us are welcome to inquire at our office. See below for details.


The first tour will be on May 8, 2012. This is a three day trip to Desie
Island (close to Dahlak Kebir). We will leave early Friday through
Semienawi Bahri to Massawa and spend the night at Dahlak Hotel. Saturday
morning after breakfast, we will take a boat to our destination, Desie
Recreation Camp. Sunday evening we will be back to Asmara. For more details
contact our office.


The second tour will be to Zoba Barka. We will post the details at a later



NAECA Office: - located at ESMG building (behind City Hall)

Telephone number: - 20-08-82

Office Hours: - Monday to Friday, 8-12 AM and 2-6PM



Awet nHafash!



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