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[dehai-news] My Camel

From: <hbokure_at_aol.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 10:55:41 -0400 (EDT)

My Camel

The center of loyalty and obedience
The desert train, symbol of tolerance
The most admired, sign of patience
How are you my Camel, the precious.

To the Eritrean people
You are a sign of a struggle
To the East African country
You are a sign of a journey
That's how it made sense.
When struggling for independence
The people copied the process
Such as Camel's slow stride
Which is timely wise.

Arriving the destination
Was the main aim of the strength
Adapting the slow pace
Which resulted in the final surprise.
This was a lesson
 Learned from the Camel
To persist, arrive the designed future.

By Hiabu Hassebu

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Received on Wed May 30 2012 - 14:16:29 EDT
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