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[dehai-news] A Book Homecoming

From: <hbokure_at_aol.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 00:07:07 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Friends,

At last, the Tigrigna version of Father Francesco Alvarez dealing with his narrative expedition (circa 1520) has been published by Hidri. Originally, it had been published in 1989 by the
Research and Information Center of Eritrea headed by Dr. Araia Tseggai. Since then, it has been reprinted four times.

In this book, Alvarez who was a keen observer describes the landscapes, the religious rituals as practiced at Debre Bizen including the manner and customs of the people inhabiting Midri Bahri. Furthermore, Alvarez explains about Barhri Negassi (a king of the land by sea) whose seat of power was at Dbarwa, a legendary town located on Asmara-Mendefera road. In short, it is a very descriptive book highlighting our glorious past before the advent of the Ottoman and Italian imperialism. How virgin and prosperous was this country we dearly love, and even to the point of sacrificing our precious lives. I recommend strongly that every Eritrean should possess this book of classical antiquity. The English version will be reprinted for the benefit of English-speaking Eritreans by Yohanna Mahtem.

All in all, reading our history matters; for it is a royal road that leads to cultivate a very cultured Eritreans.

In the meantime, I am very thankful to Hidri Publishers for their generous support in publishing the book which has been translated into several languages.

At last, the dream fulfilled indeed. Let the Eritrean people for whom this book dedicated in memory of their long struggle enjoy reading it with patriotic fervor.

Eternal glory to our martyrs.

You can order the book by writing to the following address:-

Hidri Publishers
178 Tegadelti Street
House No. 35
Tel 291-1-126177
Fax 291-1-125630
Asmara, Eritrea

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Received on Thu May 31 2012 - 10:25:34 EDT
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