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[dehai-news] Skandikafrik, Eritreans living in Gothenburg celebrated their 21st independence anniversary

From: Semere Asmelash <semere22_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 12:38:13 +0000


maj 31-2012 | SkandikAfrik | People and Events
Eritreans living in Gothenburg celebrated their 21st independence anniversary in Kortedalavallen with a theme “Our independence is our pride”. The celebration started by four in the evening with a special welcome message to the thirty youths that just graduated from high school in 2012. Each of these students were called up to the stage and were asked to tell the audience the subject they read in high school and what their future plans were. The Eritrean flag was given to them as a symbol of their heritage which they should be proud of in their life.
     After honoring the youth with the flag, the official celebration of the independence anniversary began with an opening speech from the Chairman of the planning committee welcoming all the guests and emphasized the importance of Eritrean national day for Eritreans living in Sweden and other part of the world. He stressed the importance of honoring the martyrs who paid for their freedom. He also mentioned the importance of working for a fair and democratic Eritrea with equal and fair distribution of wealth among the nine ethnic groups in Eritrea. The representatives of other Eritrean organization highlighted the importance of strong relationship between Sweden and Eritrea.
    The celebration continued with Fashion show and traditional dance from each of the nine ethnic groups from Eritrea. Thereafter, they cut a cake and have toast as a symbol of united country while some people used the opportunity to mingle with other Eritreans and dance to music. It was successful independence celebration with large turn out from all Eritreans living in Gothenburg and its suburb. They came together as a big family, radiate joy and warmth in each other companies reflects the unity among them and above all, shares the importance of contributing their best towards the development of Eritrea and Sweden.
For Pictorial Reportage Refer:-

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Received on Thu May 31 2012 - 10:29:17 EDT
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