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[dehai-news] Newvision.co.ug: Museveni in Turkey after Eritrea visit

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:33:16 +0200

Museveni in Turkey after Eritrea visit
Publish Date: May 31, 2012

By Vision Reporter

President Yoweri Museveni has arrived in Istanbul, Turkey for the second
Istanbul Conference on Somalia.

The conference which is being held at the Istanbul Congress Centre under the
theme "Preparing Somalia's future: Goals for 2015 is being attended by
representatives of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, the UN
donors, Somalis and International private sector, civil society groups,
women's groups, youth and members of the diaspora will among other things
discuss various issues under the partnership forum including Energy Water,
Roads, Resilience etc.

The conference will be addressed by The Prime Minister of the Republic of
Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the
President of the Somalia Republic Sheikh Sharif Ahmed Sharif.

The President who is accompanied by his wife who is also Minister for
Karamoja Affairs Janet Museveni was received at Ataturk International
Airport by the governor of Istanbul Huseyin Avni Mutlu, the Mayor Kadir
Topbas and other government dignitaries including Uganda's consular
representative to Turkey Dr. Mustafa Gunay, the Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Okello Oryem, Minister for Defence Crispus Kiyonga and Major General Nathan
Mugisha Uganda's deputy ambassador to Somalia.

The President had completed a two-day state visit to the State of Eritrea at
the invitation of President Issaias Aferwerki.
The Eritrean president visited Uganda last August for three days and during
his stay the two leaders discussed regional security and development
cooperation issues. While here, Afwerki pledged to commitment to efforts
aimed at stabilizing the East African region.

A statement issued by State House then said Afwerki thanked his Ugandan
counterpart for his efforts to search for peace and development in the
region. Uganda is playing a key role in the UN backed Africa Union Mission
to Somalia (AMISOM) aimed at stablising the war-torn country.

"When we meet, we talk inspiring issues and I really feel at home. I also
appreciate the contributions of President Museveni and I urge him to
continue. I will support him in all his endeavors," Afwerki said at a state

At a press conference before his departure the Eritrean leader, who has been
criticized by both the African Union and the United Nations for reportedly
supporting Somalia militants, denied allegations that he supports Al
Shabaab. He however said the problem of Somalia was not the militants but
the need to re-unify the country and bring back parts that declared

President Museveni in Eritrea accompanied by First Lady Janet Museveni. PPU


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Received on Thu May 31 2012 - 10:35:32 EDT
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