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[dehai-news] Columbus Ohio Independence Celebration

From: Rim Yoseph <rimyoseph123_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 11:50:33 -0700 (PDT)

By: Rim Yoseph Numerous martyrs valiantly fought, thirty years of a gruesome war, and twenty one years after a momentous independence, Eritreans worldwide take deep pride in their heritage and history. The strong sense of nationality and genuine appreciation for Eritrea culture still thrives, as demonstrated in the many independence festivals worldwide. Columbus , Ohio is no different.   The lively independence celebration in Columbus, Ohio was held from May 27th into the early morning hours of the 28th. However, the celebration was not only limited to Eritreans within Columbus as there were many Ethiopians, Sudanese and Somalis in attendance who came with friends. Donning traditional clothing and jewellery, many gathered at this impressive spectacle of the genuine pride Eritreans hold for their country. Children sang both the national anthem and the martyrs song (B'Demna B'demntsna), while youth and the elderly danced enthusiastically to traditional music. In an age where the Diaspora of many countries seem to loose their identity in blind assimilation, it was impressive to see the many youth that have found a balance between appreciation and respect to their heritage while also accepting the standards of the countries they reside. To all the Eritreans, worldwide, who recognize the significance behind maintaining a strong connection to their roots, Awet N’ Hafash!

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Received on Thu May 31 2012 - 22:33:52 EDT
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