From: Biniam Tekle (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2008 - 09:45:23 EDT
Ethiopia Received $1.5 Billion in Aid Last Year, ENA Reports
By Jason McLure
Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Ethiopia received 14.8 billion birr ($1.5 billion) in
loans and grants last year, the Ethiopian News Agency said, citing Getachew
Admassu, a spokesman for the finance ministry.
The Horn of Africa country received about $600 million in loans and $900
million in grants from donor countries and multilateral lenders, such as the
European Union and the United Nations Development Program, the news agency
To contact the reporter on this story: Jason McLure in Addis Ababa via
Johannesburg at
*Last Updated: August 6, 2008 03:34 EDT*
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