From: Biniam Haile \(SWE\) (
Date: Sat Aug 16 2008 - 07:16:19 EDT
Example Ethiopian leaders must learn from
Saturday 16 August 2008 04:32.
By Ibrahim Ibrahim
August 15, 2008 - On Thursday August 14, 2008 Nigeria officially handed
over to its neighborly country Cameroon the once disputed Bakassi
This very important step that brings peace and friendly neighborhood to
the region received a great admiration and respect to the Nigerians and
their government who kept their promise to abide by the rule of law.
As is well stated by the Nigerian Attorney General Mr. Michael
Aondaokaa, "As painful as it is, we have a responsibility to keep our
commitment to the international community, promote international peace
and cooperation and advance the cause of African brotherhood and good
neighborliness." amazing phrase that could be lectured with in the
Ethiopian government. It may not get a brain that can absorb the true
concept and true meaning within the circle of the regime, but is truly a
lesson to learn from.
Unfortunately, it has passed six long years since the world court of
arbitration EEBC's ruling of the border demarcation between Ethiopia and
Eritrea. At that time some had vested hope of peace in that region. At
least those who do not have knowledge of the regime in Ethiopia took the
words expressed by its foreign minister acceptance of the ruling. The
expression did not stop there but also continue to call upon the world
community "to pressure Eritrea to accept the ruling." Not long though
the regime contradicted to its own words saying "the EEBC ruling is
The verdict of the EEBC has been based on the agreements both contenders
put their signatures of the Algiers Peace Agreement pillared to be final
and binding.
The problem arises from the regime in Ethiopia that is not capable to
think beyond temporary benefits. The click does not even have the gat to
revise its stand and come out from the self made cage of fear
subsequently that does not exist. The people of Ethiopia and Eritrea
without question want to live in peace and harmony as their brethren's
in the whole continent. The sole obstacle in this arena is the lawless
regime of Ethiopia.
This honorable action taken by the people and government of Nigeria
should be of great example to the people and government of Ethiopia.
Learning from this will in return garner peace and harmony. If Ethiopia
is to comply with the rule of law, and refrain from atrocities, with no
time it can come out from the cycle of hunger and poverty. This has been
proofed between 1992 and 1996. Ethiopia is able to self feed and beyond.
Its people can come out from their trade mark of being skulls of baggers
to productive proud citizens.
Ethiopia never been poor but is unfortunate to produce a true selfless
leaders. Ethiopia indeed need leaders who priorities their citizens well
being above all. Unlike the current regime, known by its trade mark of
"Lie Machine" leaders who abide by the rule of law.
* The author is the Former Bank of Eritrea Administrator currently
resides in United States of America. He can be reached at
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