[dehai-news] (Press TV) Pakistani forces clash with NATO troops

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From: Yemane Natnael (yemane_natnael@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Sep 15 2008 - 12:37:34 EDT

Pakistani forces clash with NATO troops

Mon, 15 Sep 2008

security forces have repulsed a ground attack by the NATO troops at
Pakistan-Afghanistan border in South Waziristan, sources say.

Local officials and tribal elders told reporters that the fight
between Pakistani forces and the NATO troops started late on Sunday at
the Pakistan-Afghanistan border village Angoor Adda and continued for
four hours but caused no casualties.

The local tribesmen along with the security forces responded to the
NATO attack and their fire power prevented the NATO forces from
entering Pakistan territory to hunt for the wanted militants.

As the fighting erupted, the authorities sealed the Pak-Afghan border and the local residents fled the area for safety.


Earlier on Monday, some US drones violated the Pakistani airspace but after facing Pak fighter jets' fire, fled the area.

In September, more than 17 civilians were killed in a NATO airstrike in the same region, Angoor Adda.

Pakistan's Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani vowed to defend the
country "at all cost" and the local tribesmen also had promised they
would encounter any US attack inside Pakistan territory.

The tribal areas especially Waziristan region have witnessed a string of missile attacks launched from suspected US drones.



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