From: yohannes debesai (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2008 - 21:52:01 EDT
EAAA welcomes twenty four new and returning members
Some former members come back to join EAAA and make a greater difference. In addition there are new runners who joined EAAA. The total number of people joining EAAA is twenty four. That is the most number of people who joined EAAA at any given month. The new members stretch from freshman High School runners to Division one outstanding runners. The former runners are going to be a good asset by sharing their experience to the current runners.
EAAA is ready to exert greater efforts to uplift Eritean Athletics and this new task force are believed to play a great role in it. The cities/states represented by this new task force are : Toronto, Michigan, Washington, Virginia, Maryland, Atlanta, North Carolina, Seattle, Ohio, and more.
Fourteen youth group leaders, i.e. from 12 different cities, also joined EAAA group discussion to better understand EAAA's plans and communicate with their respective groups. The board of Advisers have also joined the discussions of EAAA for the first time and they will directly interact with EAAA members.
Ling live Eritrean Athletics,
EAAA -Aspiring to uplift Eritrea in Athletics
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