[dehai-news] Politician: ‘Kenya aims taking over the port of Kismayu town’

From: <wolda002_at_umn.edu>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 03:27:56 -0600

Politician: ‘Kenya aims taking over the port of Kismayu town’

STOLKHOLM (Sh. M. Network) - Abdirahman Mohamed Dinari, a Somali politician has Friday said that the aim of Kenya entered to Somalia was to take over the port of Kismayu town, the centre Jubba region in southern Somalia where is currently under the control of Al shabab.

Mr. Dinari who used to be the ambassador of the Transitional Federal Government <http://www.shabelle.net/article.php?id=12420#> of Somalia to Syria said in an interview with Shabelle radio<http://www.shabelle.net/article.php?id=12420#>  that Kenya did not aimed at helping the transitional government of Somalia and to fight against al shabaab

He said the Kenyan themselves
confirmed<http://www.shabelle.net/article.php?id=12420#>  the grounds of their troops’ entrance into Somalia assuring there had no other plans that the military forces of Kenya crossed the border it shares with Somali except taking the port of Kismayu town.

Mr. Dinari said that Kenya plans to set up railway that connects between Ethiopia and Sudan in Lamu town ofKenya when it seizes Kismayu town to dig the petrol of the coasts of Somalia then give to the so called administration of Azania formed from Kenya.

The official indicated that the Kenyan government had reached the decision to enter Somalia and seize Kismayu town in 2010 and that the issue was related to the matters of the sea which the Somali parliament boycotted earlier pointing out that both the US and France governments were the key countries supporting Kenya to seize the Somali port.

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