[dehai-news] (MoI, Eritrea) A rush meeting called to endorse a resolution drafted by Gabon to sanction Eritrea met by stiff resistance

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 14:20:14 -0500


Press Statement

In the afternoon hours of Wednesday 30 November 2011, members of the
UN Security Council were suddenly summoned and asked to immediately
endorse a resolution drafted by Gabon and the United States designed
to tighten sanctions resolution against Eritrea.

The ploy came as a surprise to the members of the Council. Whereas the
Russian Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Vitaly Churkin, declared: “We were
asked to approve the draft following a very sudden summons; we could
not understand why in such a hectic manner.” Similarly, many members
of the Council did not accept the very rush move either. And
certainly, why the need to adopt a resolution in a hasty and restless
way? As close observers assert, the reason behind adopting a
resolution on Wednesday pm. is that the Presidency of the Security
Council is scheduled to be handed over to Russia from Portugal. Thus,
is it because it was ‘deemed’ an opportune moment to press for the
adoption of the resolution before Russia assumes the Presidency?

As stipulated in Article 32 of the UN Charter, “Any State, be it a UN
member or not, is entitled to appear before the Council to defend its
case whenever an issue concerning it is presented to the Security
Council”. Why deny Eritrea, a member of the United Nations, this very
right? In opposition to the move, China’s Permanent Representative to
the UN, Li Baoding, declared: “We do not accept any resolution adopted
in haste… it is proper that we invite the President of Eritrea to
appear before the Council in person and explain the matter”.

All members of the Security Council, with the exception of the United
States, have not only opposed the adoption of a resolution on an issue
of major importance like that of sanctions but also underlined as
being illogical denying the leader of the state concerned the right to
appear before the Council and explain the case.

In the wake of mounting opposition, the US Ambassador to the UN was
compelled to heed the obligation that the United States, as host
country, is “obliged to issue a visa to any Head of State wishing to
visit the UN Headquarters”.

It is to be recalled that the unjust anti-Eritrea UN sanctions
resolution 1907 was adopted in the end of 2009 under similar hectic
circumstances, i.e. on the eve of Christmas merriment through
misleading members of the Security Council. This time too, resort is
being made to a repetition of the same drama. But why opt for adopting
resolutions in such a bizarre manner?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1 December 2011

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