[dehai-news] We Are People!

From: <hbokure_at_aol.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 02:10:32 -0500 (EST)

Dear friends,
A very respectable lady said bitterly, " We are mere numbers, not human beings who feel and think." She uttered this to a group of employees who lost their jobs all of a sudden after serving the Company for many years. Obviously, she was speaking about our social security numbers, not our real person which is the measure of all things. America has lost its soul indeed as long as it worships gold, not people in the altar of materialism. We don't worry about the sanction aimed at gold mining. For it is still in our hands or in our blessed land. What bothers us most is our humanness or being as the very creatures of immortal God of the Universe. Ambassador Susan Rice who is now reaping the fruit of Civil Right Struggle as a distinguished lady in a power hierarchy seems to forget the slogan that says " I am a man." It connotes first and foremost the struggle for human dignity, not for bread and wine. Without the sense of humanity, signing the sanction is akin to a fighter plane or bomber under guidance of a pilot who cannot see the impact of his action on poor souls. Please read the following poem:-
The Flying Snake
Have you seen
The flying snake?
Guess! What?
It is a fighter plane.
With a dwarf pilot
In his helmet
Once he is in a mid air
He seems to forget
His fellow creature
He drops and drops
A hell of bombs
To wipe out
The poor souls, of course
The helpless and defenseless!
Alas, the pilot
Cannot feel pity
For his very victims
As long as their pain
Their wound
Their anguish
Are beyond his visual reach.
>From Eritrea is Born

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Received on Sat Dec 03 2011 - 09:32:18 EST
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