The driving forces behind the twisted and narcissistic feelings towards Eritrea, Ajoka H’zbi Ertra, Nk’kid Trai
Can Eritrea’s independence ever be reversed? Is it possible to create an atmosphere in which Eritrea cannot survive? How can Eritrea’s people be defragmented? What is the secret of Eritrea’s ability to endure all that is thrown at it? How is it possible that some youth who do not even know Eritrea be so passionate about it?
All these questions and more are the driving forces behind the twisted and narcissistic feelings towards Eritrea.
Eritreawas never meant to exist according to the powers to be and they did everything they could to stop this from happening. Historians have recorded the level of suffering that the Eritrean people have endured in order to have a place they can call Home.
I compare the experience of creating Eritrea to that of a woman going through a torturous labour for an unnaturally long period of time without any medical support. We can take this analogy even further by comparing our post independence struggle for survival to the woman being forced to give up her new born child.
This is not only unfair but it is sadistic, morally reprehensible and malicious to the nth degree. I can’t find the necessary appropriate words to express my utter disgust at those who espouse to stand for all that is good but cannot be any further from it. The world has witnessed Eritrea’s true colours, that when the going gets tough Eritrea keeps on going.
Someone who was a former member of the Ethiopian Junta once commented that if Eritrea could not be tamed and put down while it did not have any resources to help it cope then what hope is there to do so now that Eritrea can stand on its own two feet.
The common theme when it comes to the Majority of Eritreans is Hope and the ability to withstand adversity and see the prospects beyond the challenges. These abilities or traits are displayed on an individual level and also in the collective.
This does not mean that there is not a minority of Eritreans, who are Greedy, Self Serving, Incompetent failures that are all too ready to serve anyone who can help them in their quest to achieve their unjust and untenable dreams.
All throughout our history we have been plagued by these Keda’t (Traitors). They have appeared in different guises. They have recently appeared again calling themselves the opposition but in reality they are mercenaries and will sell their services to the highest bidder. They are irrelevant and will fade into oblivion just like their predecessors. The only way forward is to carry on doing what we are doing irrespective of the mud that is slung at us.
The Global Hizbawi Mekhete campaign and the general direction that Eritrea is heading in is obviously too much to tolerate for our enemies. I see this as a testament of our success.
Eritreais leading the field in terms of social justice and equitable growth where the country’s resources are invested in such a way that the standard of living of all its citizens can be harmonised.
This is being done by ensuring that every citizen living anywhere in Eritrea has access to health facilities, education, clean drinking water, transport links and enhancing their capacity to produce food.
The path that Eritrea is taking can only be described as good example for other countries on the continent but this contradicts the principles of the so called most powerful nation/s in the world. These principles are treacherous, deceptive and Hegemonic in nature.
Eritreabelieves in mutual partnership whether with national and international organisations or states and we have proved that this can be achieved. The proof is obviously visible for anyone who wants to have a closer look. This sticks in the craw of those who don’t want to see Eritrea and Africa in general use their resources be it human or natural to better themselves. They have the technological and institutional capacity to sow seeds of discord. Once chaos prevails they are only too happy to enter the fray and act as arbitrators only to ensure that their interests are protected.
As the President of the State of Eritrea remarked in his interview on the 28th of April, the dissemination of false information is part and parcel of the campaign of psychological warfare. The media campaign designed by shadowy characters behind closed doors aimed at Eritrea is not causing the desired effect and as a result has become a major headache for them. This will not be the last negative media campaign so we have to view any information in the mass media critically and analytically.’ This is not a direct quote but a summary.’
This method of softening up the population before going in for the kill has been used against Eritrea to fragment, pillage and plunder without any organised resistance. What the people working tirelessly against Eritrea forget is that Eritrea is not the same country that was colonised, abused and left for dead. It has changed and is aware, conscious and progressing towards a brighter future.
By - Zimese yimsae werari
Awet N’hafash
Zel’alemawi Zkri N’sema’etatna
Received on Wed Jun 13 2012 - 21:08:19 EDT