Tel Aviv: Firecracker hurled at Eritrean pub
Pub in Hatikva neighborhood vandalized a second time; one person injured
Omri Efraim
06.17.12, 09:43 /
Unknown assailants hurled a firecracker at a pub owned by Eritreans in south
Tel Aviv's
,00.html> Hatikva neighborhood and injured on person. The pub's owner said
that severe damage was caused to the building. "I live in fear," he said. "I
want to leave <,7340,L-3284752,00.html>
This is not the first time the pub has been vandalized. Last month,
assailants smashed its windows and looted it after a violent protest.
The pub's owner, Amniai Zagte, said that shortly after midnight four people
on motorbikes hurled a "bomb" into the bar and fled the scene. "There was a
blast and great noise," he said. "There were four of us in the bar, and I
ran off terrified. One of the guests was injured in his stomach."
Zagte added that violence has become a matter of routine in the past few
months. "I don't understand what they want from me, what have I done that
these people hate me so much. Whoever did this wants to kill, and all I want
to do is live. "
Sigal Rosen of the Migrant Workers Hotline said this type of occurrence is
not rare. "It's become a daily routine that sometime escalates into full
blown violence. It's hard to shake off the feeling that this type of
sabotage is the result of wild incitement by Knesset members and ministers."
Received on Sun Jun 17 2012 - 20:37:08 EDT