{Text, A translation}
Eritrea - Speech by Michael Beltz in the city parliament - permanent disturbance
Michael Beltzvor Dear City Council President,Ladies and gentlemen!
Generally I'm suspicious when the word appears and rogue states will demonized and pilloried.Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya - for the purpose of warfare. Now, Iran, Syria, Ukraine and Cuba still. Why not the U.S. or Saudi Arabia is called, where torture is? There goes the tank before delivery.Rightly colleague Merz has been before, "a local substitute foreign policy," warnedThe information here can be obtained via Eritrea, are very different.On the one hand, in particular Mr Grothe a "reign of terror", a fascist military dictatorship, the severe repression verhänge and compel people to flee. And in fact be cared for in casting Eritreans.On the other hand, characterize Scheluzzi renowned organizations such as Medcare-eritrea (which is also supported by the federal government), the country is as follows (I quote):"An African peculiarity: it is in Eritrea· No corruption· A traditionally peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims
· A complete equality of women· Very little social differences· No nepotism· No cult of personality· A statutory prohibition against circumcision of women· The lowest AIDS rate in Africa· A general compulsory education· ... "
There is no famine in Eritrea.
However, the organization also deplores increasing defamation of the country, which would be due to the fact that Eritrea, in contrast to neighboring countries to refuse to sell land to foreign speculators.
And these are economic facts, which are suitable to illuminate, backgrounds:
Eritrea has considerable natural resources such as gold, silver, copper, sulfur, nickel, potash, marble, zinc and iron. Salt is produced in large scale. The government wants to use the profits from the promotion of the natural resources themselves, with foreign assistance, but on acceptable terms: the Canadian company Nevsun promotes gold, copper and soon left with 40% of the profits in the country and 60% go to the Canadian company. It looks, for example, in Tanzania is different. Since foreign companies get 95% of the profits. From the neighboring country of Ethiopia is exported while the greatest famine crops and large tracts of land are leased to foreign investors - which Eritrea refuses.
It's not about glorifying Eritrea as an example of a democratic upwardly mobile developing nation. I was not there and can not deny that there are also human rights violations. Where not? Just think of Guantanamo Bay! The Government of the United States tortures, not only in their own country, but they sent some of their victims in other countries torture.
The example of Eritrea, but I weigh from which human rights are violated in the extent to which:
· Hunger, education, social equality, equal rights - or
· Freedom of speech, opposition, religious practice (for a share of 50% Christians seems to be a "Christian persecution" implausible, but if so, for example, the very small minority of the Jehovah's Witnesses should be meant: they are persecuted because they refuse to attend a military service - it would therefore be roughly comparable with the total objectors to military service here in the days). My colleague Jonas Ahlgrimm was condemned - in a fair hearing here in Giessen District Court ..
Even last year as part of the NPD demonstration attacked the Eritrean event, especially by Mr. Grothe, who stands as a champion of human rights this year the focus of the campaign.
Mr. Grothe is an expert on the situation in Kosovo - especially through his work with traumatized children Yugoslavia, of which he is reported here. He certainly has more knowledge than most in this house. Is the St. Grothe not aware that murdered Serbs in Kosovo during the war and cannibalized their bodies and were sold? Is he not aware that the organizers responsible for these atrocities and Hashim Thaci, the current prime minister?
These are not allegations of Communist dark rumor mills, but others the statement of former Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte in The Hague, which described it appeared in her 2008 memoirs, and demanded an official investigation.
I think human rights are indivisible, and crimes against humanity must be prosecuted anywhere.
I would like to conclude by pointing out that this marks the day of the Nazi parade in Giessen, which was put under martial police presence, after the city has refused to ban him, has refused to try it at least.
Once the road was cleared for Nazi slogans, are now to be arbitrarily restricted events, and I am convinced that - if such a decision should be taken - it is ultimately aimed against leftist and democratic organizations.
Or in other words against those organizations who work here for the realization of human rights here: the right to education, health and adequate public services for all and for peace.
Michael Beltz
The present speech could not be held until the end because of interruptions and disturbances, the time the speaker had expired. Mr. Groth (Green) because he had not named arguments, eg the speaker as "Stalinists".
Received on Thu Jun 28 2012 - 14:32:53 EDT