Africa's Deadly Spy Infestation
Landing strips to service a fleet of intelligence-gathering aircraft
by Mark P. Fancher
<> Global Research, June 29, 2012
The expanding U.S. spy infrastructure in Africa, including a network of
landing strips to service a fleet of intelligence-gathering aircraft, is
inherently hostile to African self-dermination. That's because "those who
dictate U.S. intelligence policy make decisions on the basis of where access
to oil and valuable minerals is threatened, or where an African leader has
in some way resisted the imperialist program." Washington is establishing
the structures to recolonize Africa, in the guise of anti-terrorism. "There
has never been, and there never will be an imperialist effort to promote
true independence and self-determination in Africa."
In some ways, spies are a lot like cockroaches and rats. If you spot one,
you are bound to find many more hiding in dark corners, cracks and crevices.
Decades ago, revolutionaries first cast a spotlight on U.S. intelligence
agents operating in Africa. Although these spies scurried back to their
filthy holes, they never left the continent. They just multiplied and
plotted ever greater schemes of deceit and death.
A pest control service should have been contacted during the early years of
the U.S. intelligence establishment's presence in Africa. At the time,
Patrice Lumumba was Congo's first prime minister, and because he was
perceived to be an African nationalist subject to Soviet manipulation, he
was assassinated in 1961 under circumstances that made it possible for the
U.S. to have "plausible deniability" about responsibility for his death.
However, the U.S. left behind tell-tale evidence of its interest in
eliminating the progressive young leader. In his book "The Assassination of
Lumumba," author Ludo De Witte wrote:
".[T]he CIA scientist [Sidney]Gottlieb said he had been sent to the Congo
with a box of poison to 'mount an either seriously incapacitate
or eliminate Lumumba.' On 21 September, during a meeting of the National
Security Council with President Eisenhower, CIA Chief Allen Dulles stressed
that 'Lumumba.remained a grave danger as long as he was not disposed of.'"
There is still other evidence that the CIA was engaged in plots to eliminate
or destabilize Africa's revolutionary movements and governments. Decades
ago, former CIA agent John Stockwell blew the whistle about CIA involvement
in Africa - most notably in Angola - in his book In Search of Enemies.
"These small planes are equipped with technology that makes it possible for
them to track infrared heat patterns, intercept radio and cell phone signals
and record full motion videos."
It is this historical context that causes those with genuine concerns about
Africa's welfare to roll their eyes when there are disclosures about
contemporary intelligence operations that exist purportedly to monitor and
disrupt terrorist operations in Africa. The most recent - supposedly
"leaked" - information about such operations concerns a number of small air
bases that are home to what appear to be small private aircraft. However,
these small planes are equipped with technology that makes it possible for
them to track infrared heat patterns, intercept radio and cell phone signals
and record full motion videos. The nerve center of this operation is in
Burkina Faso. From there the planes fly north to countries like Mali and
Mauritania purportedly in search of al-Qaeda and its sympathizers.
This project, called "Creek Sand" is part of a program administered by U.S.
Special Operations. The Washington Post said they "have played an outsize
role in the Obama administration's national security strategy." The
newspaper goes on to say: "The lightly equipped commando units train foreign
security forces and perform aid missions, but they also include teams
dedicated to tracking and killing terrorism suspects."
When it comes to killing terrorism suspects in Somalia and elsewhere with
drones, critics have complained that a recent CIA pronouncement seems to
betray the agency's belief that it is not strictly bound by the laws of war.
Human Rights Watch has criticized a speech made in April by Stephen Preston,
the CIA's general counsel at Harvard Law School. Preston incorrectly implied
that the laws that limit lethal attacks to valid military targets during
situations of armed conflict are not strict legal requirements, but are
instead mere principles. Human Rights Watch has identified this as an
important issue because outside of the laws of war, international human
rights law permits killing only when it is necessary to save human life.
"The lightly equipped commando units train foreign security forces and
perform aid missions, but they also include teams dedicated to tracking and
killing terrorism suspects."
To the extent that the CIA is concerned about running afoul of the law or
creating a public outcry about its unconscionable activities, it has relied
on proxies to do its dirty work. This was certainly the case in Libya where
CIA agents implemented a program to arm those who were attempting to
dislodge the Gadhafi government. According to reports, the CIA has also
operated a secret base at Mogadishu airport in Somalia where Somali
assassination teams are trained to kill suspected terrorists, and where
secret interrogations are conducted of suspects who have been subjected to
Finally, and in a period when it is obvious that Africa is already infested
with American spies, the Pentagon is creating yet another intelligence
agency. The Baltimore Sun reported that the new Defense Clandestine Service
".will work alongside CIA counterparts in places such as Africa, where al
Qaeda has grown more active, and Asia, where Chinese military expansion and
North Korean and Iranian weapons ambitions are drawing increasing U.S.
Notwithstanding the presence of these agencies in Africa, their intelligence
operations have never been about Africa or Africans. In the early years of
the post-colonial period, the West made Africa a theater for Cold War
maneuvers and a contest with the Soviet Union over who would claim the
continent for their respective "spheres of influence." In more recent years,
Africa has been a staging ground for a so-called war against terrorism.
If in years past there had been genuine U.S. concern that the Soviet Union
would in some way win the loyalty, hearts and minds of Africans; or if there
are now real worries that terrorist organizations will find a home in
Africa, U.S. policy would always have been, and always would be to ensure
that Africans themselves are able to prosper from their natural wealth and
in every way determine their own destiny. That is because countries emerging
from colonial domination are never anxious to become "client states" when
they can go it alone. Likewise, in regions that are desperately poor and
where it is obvious that the economic devastation has been caused by
exploitation and plunder by western corporations, it is easy for extremists
to recruit those who want to strike back at the source of their community's
misery. Yet, it is nearly impossible to persuade independent, prosperous
people to engage in suicide bombing missions.
"Africa has been a staging ground for a so-called war against terrorism."
Nevertheless, there has never been, and there never will be an imperialist
effort to promote true independence and self-determination in Africa. That
is because regardless of the purported mission - whether it is Cold War
advantage or terrorist surveillance - in all cases those who dictate U.S.
intelligence policy make decisions about operational focus on the basis of
where access to oil and valuable minerals is threatened, or where an African
leader has in some way resisted the imperialist program. Ethics, morality
and justice are not factors in the equation, and Africans tend to find
themselves as either spectators or victims of bloody escapades that they did
not create and which certainly are in no way beneficial to Africa.
In many cases an infestation of vermin and pests is eliminated with poisons
and traps. In the case of U.S. spies in Africa, the solution begins with
shining a light on all of their operations so that when the continent is
united and capable of expelling imperialists once and for all, Africans will
know where to find not only the spies, but also their nests.
Mark P. Fancher is an attorney who writes frequently about the U.S. military
presence in Africa. He can be reached at <> [7].
Received on Fri Jun 29 2012 - 19:22:17 EDT